[PATCH 1/4] perf/amlogic: Add support for Amlogic meson G12 SoC DDR PMU driver

Robin Murphy robin.murphy at arm.com
Fri Jul 15 09:38:53 PDT 2022

On 2022-07-14 09:17, Jiucheng Xu wrote:
>>> +        list_for_each_entry((sibling), &(event)->sibling_list,
>>> +                    sibling_list) {
>>> +            if (sibling->pmu != event->pmu &&
>>> +                !is_software_event(sibling))
>>> +                return -EINVAL;
>> It looks like you don't have multiple sets of hardware counters; if so 
>> you'd also need to reject the group if it contains more than one event 
>> for this PMU.
> I have 5 HW counters and 5 relevant events. Do you mean I need reject 
> the group?

Ah, I think I understand a bit better now, so each channel is a separate 
counter - in that case you need to check that the group doesn't contain 
more than one event targeting the same channel. The reason is that 
event_add should return an error when another event is already using the 
given counter - when that happens, perf will try to schedule different 
combinations of events to work out which ones can count simultaneously 
and which need to be multiplexed. However if two conflicting events are 
in the same group, and thus required to be scheduled together 
atomically, then it ends up in an infinite loop trying to achieve the 
impossible. Therefore event_init must reject any group whose events 
would never be able to be scheduled together.

>>> +static int ddr_perf_offline_cpu(unsigned int cpu, struct hlist_node 
>>> *node)
>>> +{
>>> +    struct ddr_pmu *pmu = hlist_entry_safe(node, struct ddr_pmu, node);
>>> +    int target;
>>> +
>>> +    if (cpu != pmu->cpu)
>>> +        return 0;
>>> +
>>> +    target = cpumask_any_but(cpu_online_mask, cpu);
>>> +    if (target >= nr_cpu_ids)
>>> +        return 0;
>>> +
>>> +    perf_pmu_migrate_context(&pmu->pmu, cpu, target);
>>> +    pmu->cpu = target;
>>> +
>>> +    WARN_ON(irq_set_affinity_hint(pmu->info.irq_num, 
>>> cpumask_of(pmu->cpu)));
>> This is wrong, it needs to be irq_set_affinity().
> Okay, Could you please tell what is the major difference between the two 
> API?

The affinity hint is just a field exposed to userspace, for the benefit 
of tools like irqbalance, it doesn't actually serve any purpose in the 
kernel itself.

Historically, it used to be the case that irq_set_affinity_hint() also 
happened to call irq_set_affinity() internally, and this anti-pattern 
developed around that due to module exports, but that has all been 
cleaned up now.

>>> +        goto err2;
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    irq_name = of_get_property(node, "interrupt-names", NULL);
>>> +    if (!irq_name)
>>> +        irq_name = "ddr_pmu";
>> That's not how the "interrupt-names" property works. If you only have 
>> a single interrupt then there's not much need for it to be named in 
>> the DT at all. If you do want to use named interrupts then use 
>> platform_get_irq_byname(), and the name should probably have a bnit 
>> more functional meaning. Either way, please don't abuse the DT like this.
> Okay, actually there will be multiple interrupts , but not in current 
> G12 series.

That's fair enough, so we should try to anticipate it in the design of 
the DT binding. If for instance future SoCs are going to move from 
having a single combined overflow interrupt to a separate interrupt for 
each counter, then the driver can reasonably continue to get them by 
index and we'll effectively only need to update maxItems in the binding. 
If on the other hand there's still going to be one combined overflow 
interrupt, plus some other new interrupt for something completely 
different, then it *could* be more appropriate to have names, and thus 
to define and use a standard "overflow" name from the beginning even 
when it is the only one present, so that we can remain consistent later 
once more are added.

>>> +
>>> +    ret = request_irq(info->irq_num, dmc_irq_handler,
>>> +              IRQF_SHARED, irq_name, (void *)info);
>> Who else is sharing the IRQ? If it's other instances of this PMU then 
>> that's still manageable under the normal paradigm, the driver just 
>> needs to coordinate affinity chanmges between all instances. If it's 
>> random other devices, then maybe it's time to reason about how system 
>> PMUs could use proper IRQ-safe locking and abandon the affinity stuff, 
>> since this seems to be coming up more and more.
> The IRQ is private. I will change it.

OK, that's good. In that case you can simply replace IRQF_SHARED with 
IRQF_NOBALANCING here, since that is needed either way to prevent 
userspace changing affinities behind our back.

>>> +static void append_attr_list(struct attribute *attr)
>>> +{
>>> +    int i;
>>> +
>>> +    for (i = 0; g12_pmu_format_attrs[i] && i < 255; i++)
>>> +        ;
>> Eww, what? :(
>>> +
>>> +    g12_pmu_format_attrs[i] = attr;
>>> +
>>> +    g12_pmu_format_attrs[i + 1] = NULL;
>> (that's pointless either way)
>> OK, I think I see what's going on here now. Dynamically patching the 
>> attribute arrays is pretty grim - it's far cleaner and more 
>> sustainable to statically define the whole array with all the possible 
>> attributes, then use .is_visible to hide the ones which aren't 
>> relevant to the current system.
> I have not got your point yet. I have no idea how to use .is_visible to 
> hide the irrelevant attribute. I need a little time to think it.

It might be easiest to follow an example like arm_dsu_pmu - in that 
case, the hardware has an ID register that says which event IDs are 
supported; you could have some kind of static bitmap/lookup 
table/function to encode the equivalent data of which AXI IDs are 
relevant to which PMU model(s). Another approach is to encode the 
supported models directly in each attribute itself and thus make the 
lookup the other way round - this is probably more complex to implement, 
and I hesitate to suggest looking at arm-cmn as an example since that's 
rather extreme and hard to follow, but it is another possibility.

A third option might be to push all the AXI ID data out to JSON in the 
userspace perf tool, like fsl_imx8_ddr_perf seems to do, however that 
might make it less accessible to other userspace tools, so it probably 
depends on your expected use-cases whether that's worth considering or not.

>>> +    struct device_node *node = pdev->dev.of_node;
>>> +    const char *model;
>>> +
>>> +    if (of_property_read_string(node, "model", &model))
>>> +        return -EINVAL;
>> No, use of_device_is_compatible(), and define the binding properly.
> Why the "model" property couldn't be used? Do you mean use existing 
> property rather than creating new one?

Yes, as I suggested on patch #4, the standard practice would be to have 
hierarchical compatible strings in the DT like so:

	compatible = "amlogic,g12b-ddr-pmu", "amlogic,g12-ddr-pmu";

then your of_device_id table can still match on the generic 
"amlogic,g12-ddr-pmu" string to bind the driver, and where necessary you 
can then do:

	if (of_device_is_compatible(node, "amlogic,g12b-ddr-pmu"))
		/* do G12B-specific stuff */

Alternatively, you can put all the SoC-specific compatibles directly in 
the of_device_id table and use the .data member to associate your 
SoC-specific identifier or static data which you can then retrieve with 
device_get_match_data(). Both approaches are commonly used.

>>> +    dev_info(&pdev->dev, "%s", model);
>>> +
>>> +    if (strcmp(model, "g12a") == 0) {
>>> +        dev_info(&pdev->dev, "ddr pmu for g12a\n");
>>> +    } else if (strcmp(model, "g12b") == 0) {
>>> +        dev_info(&pdev->dev, "ddr pmu for g12b\n");
>>> +
>>> +        append_attr_list(&format_attr_nna.attr);
>>> +        append_attr_list(&format_attr_gdc.attr);
>>> +        append_attr_list(&format_attr_arm1.attr);
>>> +        append_attr_list(&format_attr_mipi_isp.attr);
>>> +        append_attr_list(&format_attr_sd_emmc_a.attr);
>>> +    } else if (strcmp(model, "sm1") == 0) {
>>> +        dev_info(&pdev->dev, "ddr pmu for sm1\n");
>>> +
>>> +        append_attr_list(&format_attr_nna.attr);
>>> +    }
>>> +#endif
>>> +    return aml_ddr_pmu_create(pdev, &g12_ops, g12_pmu_format_attrs);
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int  __exit g12_ddr_pmu_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
>>> +{
>>> +    aml_ddr_pmu_remove(pdev);
>>> +
>>> +    return 0;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +#ifdef CONFIG_OF
>>> +static const struct of_device_id aml_ddr_pmu_dt_match[] = {
>>> +    {
>>> +        .compatible = "amlogic,g12-ddr-pmu",
>>> +    },
>>> +    {}
>>> +};
>>> +#endif
>>> +
>>> +static struct platform_driver g12_ddr_pmu_driver = {
>>> +    .driver = {
>>> +        .name = "amlogic,ddr-pmu",
>>> +        .owner = THIS_MODULE,
>> The driver core sets this automatically.
>>> +    #ifdef CONFIG_OF
>>> +        .of_match_table = aml_ddr_pmu_dt_match,
>>> +    #endif
>>> +    },
>>> +    .remove = g12_ddr_pmu_remove,
>>> +};
>>> +
>>> +static int __init aml_g12_ddr_pmu_init(void)
>>> +{
>>> +    return platform_driver_probe(&g12_ddr_pmu_driver, 
>>> g12_ddr_pmu_probe);
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static void __exit aml_g12_ddr_pmu_exit(void)
>>> +{
>>> +    platform_driver_unregister(&g12_ddr_pmu_driver);
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +module_init(aml_g12_ddr_pmu_init);
>>> +module_exit(aml_g12_ddr_pmu_exit);
>> Use module_platform_driver_probe() (if of course you really think the 
>> __init shenanigans are beneficial, otherwise just use regular 
>> module_platform_driver() for even less surprise).
>> Thanks,
>> Robin.
> Thanks for your time, Robin! TBH I'm a little nervous since this is my 
> first submitting to upstream. Your comments are great and helpful. I 
> will update the driver.

No worries, this is actually pretty good for a first submission. And the 
perf APIs in particular do have some horribly subtle aspects which took 
me a long time to fully understand too :)


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