[PATCH v1 2/3] dt-binding: power: power-domain: add power-supply-needs-irq

Krzysztof Kozlowski krzysztof.kozlowski at linaro.org
Tue Jul 12 00:01:58 PDT 2022

On 11/07/2022 15:17, Martin Kepplinger wrote:
> Am Montag, dem 11.07.2022 um 12:38 +0200 schrieb Krzysztof Kozlowski:
>> On 11/07/2022 11:45, Martin Kepplinger wrote:
>>> Add the power-supply-needs-irq board description property for power
>>> domains.
>> Where is a board description here? I think you just meant
>> "power-supply-needs-irq property"?
>>> Signed-off-by: Martin Kepplinger <martin.kepplinger at puri.sm>
>>> ---
>>>  .../devicetree/bindings/power/power-domain.yaml        | 10
>>> ++++++++++
>>>  1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)
>>> diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/power/power-
>>> domain.yaml b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/power/power-
>>> domain.yaml
>>> index 889091b9814f..e82c2f7ccb97 100644
>>> --- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/power/power-domain.yaml
>>> +++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/power/power-domain.yaml
>>> @@ -70,6 +70,16 @@ properties:
>>>        by the given provider should be subdomains of the domain
>>> specified
>>>        by this binding.
>>> +  power-supply: true
>> This is a new property not described in the commit msg.
> true, I think it's missing and could be added as a separate patch.
>>> +
>>> +  power-supply-needs-irq:
>>> +    type: boolean
>>> +    description:
>>> +      A power-supply can link for example to a regulator
>>> controlled via
>>> +      i2c or otherwise needing interrupts enabled to be able to
>>> enable and
>>> +      disable. 
>> Not really a property of power domain. How the regulator supply works
>> is
>> entirely up to regulator. Otherwise such property should appear for
>> every device.
> you're right. The power-domain driver could read the power-supply
> regulator node directly. Still, I think then a new regulator property
> is needed instead, or is it?

In case of regulator, I am not so sure it needs a dedicated property of
DT. If it is I2C regulator - the parent node is I2C bus and regulator
device is some child of I2C controller (could be via a MFD device), so
no need for dedicated property.

If it uses interrupts, then:
1. The presence of interrupts is already known - "interrupts" property.
2. The actual use of interrupts is DT independent and only driver knows it.

Best regards,

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