[RFC PATCH v4 3/4] dpll: documentation on DPLL subsystem interface

Paolo Abeni pabeni at redhat.com
Mon Dec 19 01:13:04 PST 2022


I have a just a few minor notes WRT the documentation - which was a
very useful entry point for me to help understanding the subsystem.

On Wed, 2022-11-30 at 00:37 +0300, Vadim Fedorenko wrote:
> From: Vadim Fedorenko <vadfed at fb.com>
> Add documentation explaining common netlink interface to configure DPLL
> devices and monitoring events. Common way to implement DPLL device in
> a driver is also covered.
> Co-developed-by: Arkadiusz Kubalewski <arkadiusz.kubalewski at intel.com>
> Signed-off-by: Arkadiusz Kubalewski <arkadiusz.kubalewski at intel.com>
> Signed-off-by: Vadim Fedorenko <vadfed at fb.com>
> ---
>  Documentation/networking/dpll.rst  | 271 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  Documentation/networking/index.rst |   1 +
>  2 files changed, 272 insertions(+)
>  create mode 100644 Documentation/networking/dpll.rst
> diff --git a/Documentation/networking/dpll.rst b/Documentation/networking/dpll.rst
> new file mode 100644
> index 000000000000..58401e2b70a7
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/Documentation/networking/dpll.rst
> @@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
> +.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
> +
> +===============================
> +The Linux kernel DPLL subsystem
> +===============================
> +
> +
> +The main purpose of DPLL subsystem is to provide general interface
> +to configure devices that use any kind of Digital PLL and could use
> +different sources of signal to synchronize to as well as different
> +types of outputs.
> +The main interface is NETLINK_GENERIC based protocol with an event
> +monitoring multicast group defined.
> +
> +
> +Pin object
> +==========
> +A pin is amorphic object which represents either input and output, it
> +could be internal component of the device, as well as externaly
> +connected.
> +The number of pins per dpll vary, but usually multiple pins shall be
> +provided for a single dpll device.
> +Direction of a pin and it's capabilities are provided to the user in
> +response for netlink dump request messages.
> +Pin can be shared by multiple dpll devices. Where configuration on one
> +pin can alter multiple dplls (i.e. DPLL_PIN_SGINAL_TYPE, DPLL_PIN_TYPE,

Likely typo above: DPLL_PIN_SIGNAL_TYPE

> +DPLL_PIN_STATE), or just one pin-dpll pair (i.e. DPLL_PIN_PRIO).
> +Pin can be also a MUX type, where one or more pins are attached to
> +a parent pin. The parent pin is the one directly connected to the dpll,
> +which may be used by dplls in DPLL_MODE_AUTOMATIC selection mode, where
> +only pins directly connected to the dpll are capable of automatic
> +source pin selection. In such case, pins are dumped with
> +DPLLA_PIN_PARENT_IDX, and are able to be selected by the userspace with
> +netlink request.
> +
> +Configuration commands group
> +============================
> +
> +Configuration commands are used to get or dump information about
> +registered DPLL devices (and pins), as well as set configuration of
> +device or pins. As DPLL device could not be abstract and reflects real
> +hardware, there is no way to add new DPLL device via netlink from user
> +space and each device should be registered by it's driver.

Side note: in the long run we could end-up with a virtual/dummy dpll
driver for self-tests and/or reference's implementation sake.

> +
> +List of command with possible attributes
> +========================================
> +
> +All constants identifying command types use ``DPLL_CMD_`` prefix and
> +suffix according to command purpose. All attributes use ``DPLLA_``
> +prefix and suffix according to attribute purpose:
> +
> +  ============================  =======================================
> +  ``DEVICE_GET``                userspace to get device info
> +    ``ID``                      attr internal dpll device index
> +    ``NAME``                    attr dpll device name
> +    ``MODE``                    attr selection mode
> +    ``MODE_SUPPORTED``          attr available selection modes
> +    ``SOURCE_PIN_IDX``          attr index of currently selected source
> +    ``LOCK_STATUS``             attr internal frequency-lock status
> +    ``TEMP``                    attr device temperature information
> +    ``NETIFINDEX``              attr dpll owner Linux netdevice index

should we include also the cookie (or wuhatever will be used for
persistent device identification) into the readable attributes list? 

> +  ``DEVICE_SET``                userspace to set dpll device
> +                                configuration
> +    ``ID``                      attr internal dpll device index
> +    ``MODE``                    attr selection mode to configure
> +    ``PIN_IDX``                 attr index of source pin to select as
> +                                active source

It looks like the descrition for the above attribute ('PIN_IDX') and
'SOURCE_PIN_IDX' has been swapped.

> +  ``PIN_SET``                   userspace to set pins configuration
> +    ``ID``                      attr internal dpll device index
> +    ``PIN_IDX``                 attr index of a pin to configure
> +    ``PIN_TYPE``                attr type configuration value for
> +                                selected pin
> +    ``PIN_SIGNAL_TYPE``         attr signal type configuration value
> +                                for selected pin
> +    ``PIN_CUSTOM_FREQ``         attr signal custom frequency to be set
> +    ``PIN_STATE``               attr pin state to be set
> +    ``PIN_PRIO``                attr pin priority to be set
> +
> +Netlink dump requests
> +=====================
> +The ``DEVICE_GET`` command is capable of dump type netlink requests.
> +In such case the userspace shall provide ``DUMP_FILTER`` attribute
> +value to filter the response as required.
> +If filter is not provided only name and id of available dpll(s) is
> +provided. If the request also contains ``ID`` attribute, only selected
> +dpll device shall be dumped.

Should we explicitly document even the required permissions?

> +
> +Possible response message attributes for netlink requests depending on
> +the value of ``DPLLA_DUMP_FILTER`` attribute:
> +
> +  =============================== ====================================
> +  ``DPLL_DUMP_FILTER_PINS``       value of ``DUMP_FILTER`` attribute
> +    ``PIN``                       attr nested type contain single pin
> +                                  attributes
> +    ``PIN_IDX``                   attr index of dumped pin
> +    ``PIN_DESCRIPTION``           description of a pin provided by
> +                                  driver
> +    ``PIN_TYPE``                  attr value of pin type
> +    ``PIN_TYPE_SUPPORTED``        attr value of supported pin type
> +    ``PIN_SIGNAL_TYPE``           attr value of pin signal type
> +    ``PIN_SIGNAL_TYPE_SUPPORTED`` attr value of supported pin signal
> +                                  type
> +    ``PIN_CUSTOM_FREQ``           attr value of pin custom frequency
> +    ``PIN_STATE``                 attr value of pin state
> +    ``PIN_STATE_SUPPORTED``       attr value of supported pin state
> +    ``PIN_PRIO``                  attr value of pin prio
> +    ``PIN_PARENT_IDX``            attr value of pin patent index
> +    ``PIN_NETIFINDEX``            attr value of netdevice assocaiated
> +                                  with the pin
> +  ``DPLL_DUMP_FILTER_STATUS``     value of ``DUMP_FILTER`` attribute
> +    ``ID``                        attr internal dpll device index
> +    ``NAME``                      attr dpll device name
> +    ``MODE``                      attr selection mode
> +    ``MODE_SUPPORTED``            attr available selection modes
> +    ``SOURCE_PIN_IDX``            attr index of currently selected
> +                                  source
> +    ``LOCK_STATUS``               attr internal frequency-lock status
> +    ``TEMP``                      attr device temperature information
> +    ``NETIFINDEX``                attr dpll owner Linux netdevice index
> +
> +
> +The pre-defined enums
> +=====================
> +
> +All the enums use the ``DPLL_`` prefix.
> +
> +Values for ``PIN_TYPE`` and ``PIN_TYPE_SUPPORTED`` attributes:
> +
> +  ============================ ========================================
> +  ``PIN_TYPE_MUX``             MUX type pin, connected pins shall
> +                               have their own types
> +  ``PIN_TYPE_EXT``             External pin
> +  ``PIN_TYPE_SYNCE_ETH_PORT``  SyncE on Ethernet port
> +  ``PIN_TYPE_INT_OSCILLATOR``  Internal Oscillator (i.e. Holdover
> +                               with Atomic Clock as a Source)
> +  ``PIN_TYPE_GNSS``            GNSS 1PPS source
> +
> +attributes:
> +
> +  ===============================  ===================================
> +  ``PIN_SIGNAL_TYPE_1_PPS``        1 Hz frequency
> +  ``PIN_SIGNAL_TYPE_10_MHZ``       10 MHz frequency
> +  ``PIN_SIGNAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_FREQ``  Frequency value provided in attr
> +                                   ``PIN_CUSTOM_FREQ``
> +
> +Values for ``LOCK_STATUS`` attribute:
> +
> +  ============================= ======================================
> +  ``LOCK_STATUS_UNLOCKED``      DPLL is in freerun, not locked to any
> +                                source pin
> +  ``LOCK_STATUS_CALIBRATING``   DPLL device calibrates to lock to the
> +                                source pin signal
> +  ``LOCK_STATUS_LOCKED``        DPLL device is locked to the source
> +                                pin frequency
> +  ``LOCK_STATUS_HOLDOVER``      DPLL device lost a lock, using its
> +                                frequency holdover capabilities
> +
> +Values for ``PIN_STATE`` and ``PIN_STATE_SUPPORTED`` attributes:
> +
> +============================= ============================
> +  ``PIN_STATE_CONNECTED``     Pin connected to a dpll
> +  ``PIN_STATE_DISCONNECTED``  Pin disconnected from dpll
> +  ``PIN_STATE_SOURCE``        Source pin
> +  ``PIN_STATE_OUTPUT``        Output pin
> +
> +Possible DPLL source selection mode values:
> +
> +  =================== ================================================
> +  ``MODE_FORCED``     source pin is force-selected by
> +                      ``DPLL_CMD_DEVICE_SET`` with given value of
> +                      ``DPLLA_SOURCE_PIN_IDX`` attribute
> +  ``MODE_AUTOMATIC``  source pin ise auto selected according to

typo above 'ise' -> 'is'



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