[PATCH 03/12] arm64: dts: mediatek: Add mt8173 power domain controller

Enric Balletbo Serra eballetbo at gmail.com
Fri Sep 18 16:50:37 EDT 2020

Hi Fabien,

Thank you to look at this.

Missatge de Fabien Parent <fparent at baylibre.com> del dia dv., 18 de
set. 2020 a les 22:24:
> Hi Enric,
> > -               scpsys: power-controller at 10006000 {
> > -                       compatible = "mediatek,mt8173-scpsys";
> > -                       #power-domain-cells = <1>;
> This change generates a lot of warning when compiling the MT8173 device-trees.
> Warning (power_domains_property): /soc/mutex at 14020000: Missing
> property '#power-domain-cells' in node /soc/syscon at 10006000 or bad
> phandle (referred from power-domains[0])

I think that there is a mistake in that patch #power-domain-cells =
<1>; should not be removed. Anyway, I talked with Matthias and I'm
going to redefine this part as doesn't really match with the hardware.
We're thinking on something like this:

scpsys: syscon at 10006000 {
     compatible = "mediatek,mtk-scpsys", "syscon";
      reg = ...

     power-controller {
           compatible = "mediatek,mt8173-power-controller";
           #power-domain-cells = <1>;

           <- the list of domains ->


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