The makedumpfile fails on ThunderX Arm64 server

y-ishioka at y-ishioka at
Thu Sep 10 08:36:45 EDT 2020


When kdumping on a ThunderX Arm64 server, makedumpfile fails with the following error.
It succeeded in linux 5.3, but has been confirmed to fail since linux 5.4.
I would be grateful if you could give me some advice.

 Linux 5.9.0-rc4
 makedumpfile: version 1.6.7++ (released on 16 Jan 2020)

 va_bits      : 42
 page_offset  : fffffe0000000000
 kimage_voffset   : fffffcf885c00000
 max_physmem_bits : 30
 section_size_bits: 1e
 readmem: Can't convert a virtual address(fffffe001188e214) to physical address.
 readmem: type_addr: 0, addr:fffffe001188e214, size:390
 check_release: Can't get the address of system_utsname.
 makedumpfile Failed.
 kdump: saving vmcore failed
 [FAILED] Failed to start Kdump Vmcore Save Service.

Best regards,

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