[PATCH v2] arm64: Replace HTTP links with HTTPS ones

Alexander A. Klimov grandmaster at al2klimov.de
Mon Jul 20 17:12:31 EDT 2020

Reduces attack surface on kernel devs opening the links for MITM
as HTTPS traffic is much harder to manipulate.

Deterministic algorithm:
For each file:
  If not .svg:
    For each line:
      If doesn't contain `\bxmlns\b`:
        For each link, `\bhttp://[^# \t\r\n]*(?:\w|/)`:
	  If neither `\bgnu\.org/license`, nor `\bmozilla\.org/MPL\b`:
            If both the HTTP and HTTPS versions
            return 200 OK and serve the same content:
              Replace HTTP with HTTPS.

Signed-off-by: Alexander A. Klimov <grandmaster at al2klimov.de>
 Now better?

 Documentation/arm64/arm-acpi.rst | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/arm64/arm-acpi.rst b/Documentation/arm64/arm-acpi.rst
index 872dbbc73d4a..8f675c38c244 100644
--- a/Documentation/arm64/arm-acpi.rst
+++ b/Documentation/arm64/arm-acpi.rst
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ only use the _DSD Device Properties UUID [5]:
    - UUID: daffd814-6eba-4d8c-8a91-bc9bbf4aa301
-   - http://www.uefi.org/sites/default/files/resources/_DSD-device-properties-UUID.pdf
+   - https://www.uefi.org/sites/default/files/resources/_DSD-device-properties-UUID.pdf
 The UEFI Forum provides a mechanism for registering device properties [4]
 so that they may be used across all operating systems supporting ACPI.

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