question: CSI on imx8mq with (any) CSI2 camera / experience with mx6s_capture?

Martin Kepplinger martin.kepplinger at
Thu Dec 10 08:12:30 EST 2020

On 10.12.20 13:17, Laurent Pinchart wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 11:24:00AM +0200, Laurent Pinchart wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 09:17:48AM +0100, Martin Kepplinger wrote:
>>> hi,
>>> TL;DR: did you use the NXP "mx6s_capture" csi bridge driver with other
>>> cameras?
>> I've recently worked on camera support for i.MX8MM (whose camera IP
>> cores are, if not identical, very similar to the i.MX8MQ's). The least I
>> can say is that it was painful :-(
>> I'm using an MT9M114 sensor, which can produce RAW8, RAW10 and YUV and
>> has a CSI-2 interface. My first use case is to capture RAW10, which
>> isn't supported by the mx6s_capture driver.

so did you successfully use the NXP mx6s_capture driver with that sensor 

>>> I try to use a CSI2 camera (hi846 I'm writing a driver for) on imx8mq:
>>> Using NXP's CSI bridge driver
>>> as well as the CSI driver itself:
>>> works fine when using the ov5640 camera with this driver:
>>> (I realize there is a CSI bridge driver in staging, but that need more
>>> work to be actually used. Of course after this the goal is to fix and
>>> use it; and mainline a CSI phy driver too.)
>> I have lots of patches for this driver, which I've developed on i.MX7D
>> for a separate project. I'd like to mainline them, but this is blocked
>> by one last issue that I haven't been able to solve yet. In a nutshell,
>> the CSI writes two consecutive frames in each buffer, overflowing the
>> allocated memory. The registers that control the buffer size seem to be
>> programmed correctly as far as I can tell. I've reported this issue to
>> NXP but haven't received any feedback yet.

that's different from where I am. So you don't get any interrupt (EOF or 
other) when only *one* frame is written into one buffer?

>> I've also added support for i.MX8MM to this driver, but haven't been
>> able to capture RAW8, RAW10 or YUV successfully. YUV produces the "best
>> images", but seems to drop 3 out of 4 consecutive pixels. The sensor
>> driver has been tested successfully on i.MX6 so I don't think it's the
>> most likely cause of issues, but I can't rule out bugs on that side
>> either. The i.MX8 reference manuals describe the MIPI_CSI and CSI IP
>> cores but doesn't tell much about how the two are connected, so I have
>> lots of unanswered questions about the register fields that control the
>> interface between those IP cores. I'm pretty sure there are issues in
>> that area of the drivers, but I've tested all combinations I could think
>> of, without luck.
>>> Now I use said NXP's CSI drivers on mainline without problems with the
>>> ov5640. For the hi846 (as an example), I want to use a different
>>> pixelformat and CSI media bus format. Describing, say,
>>> MEDIA_BUS_FMT_SBGGR10_1X10 in the driver lets mx6s_capture find it; but
>>> as soon as I try to add a different pixelformat than V4L2_PIX_FMT_UYVY in:
>>> streaming won't start anymore: "not negotiated, -4" and the
>>> "mx6s_vidioc_enum_framesizes" ioctl is not called anymore. Why so?
>> That will likely be the easy part of the problem. The NXP driver doesn't
>> support RAW10 at all, so you will have to add that, and I don't think it
>> will be easy.

the staging driver (imx7-media-csi) sets PIXEL_BIT (cr1) and 
BIT_MIPI_DATA_FORMAT_RAW10 (cr18) which I hoped to be enough for 
supporting RAW10. What else do you think is missing?

>> I'll push my development branch shortly if you're interested in trying
>> the mainline driver.
> 	git:// imx/csi/imx8
> The topmost patches are random debugging tests.

Thanks a lot. I'll definitely have a look and try running imx7-media-csi 
once more.

>>> I didn't find much when comparing strace from "gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src !
>>> video/x-raw,width=1280,height=720 ! videoconvert ! xvimagesink" (which
>>> is how I test).
>>> When I simply use V4L2_PIX_FMT_UYVY I *do* get interrupts (in mx6s) but
>>> only "FIELD0_INT" (and drawing at this point suggests that buffer 1 is
>>> not yet full and "distorted" in a wrong format, which could explain why
>>> DMA is never completed in order to create a full frame).
>>> Now this is details, but the hi846 camera uses a 10bit CSI format and
>>> therefore I need to set PIXEL_BIT in cr1 too, but when I do that for
>>> example, I don't get "FIELD0_INT" anymore (only SFF_OR_INT and of course
>>> the "base address switching Change Err").
>>> Do you have experience with using this driver with other cameras and can
>>> point me in a direction that might help me?
>>> If you want to look at the work-in-progress driver:

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