[PATCH v5 1/8] clocksource: dmtimer: Remove all the exports

Keerthy j-keerthy at ti.com
Tue Dec 12 00:08:04 PST 2017

On Tuesday 12 December 2017 01:31 PM, Ladislav Michl wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 01:01:51PM +0530, Keerthy wrote:
>> On Tuesday 12 December 2017 12:46 PM, Ladislav Michl wrote:
>>> Keerthy,
>>> On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 11:42:10AM +0530, Keerthy wrote:
>>>> Remove all the unwanted exports from the driver
>>> I'm adding event capture capability to the pwm-omap driver and so far used
>>> v4.15-rc3 as codebase.
>>> Intended use is an IR receiver; for that I need to measure pulses width and
>>> spaces between pulses. So DM timer was setup to generate interupt after
>>> both TCAR1 and TCAR2 are filled, values are passed to IR decoder and
>>> TCAR_IT_FLAG is cleared.
>>> Of course, this is just proof of concept and needs to be polished and
>>> generalized, but to make it at least work I need functions you just
>>> unexported (plus some new).
>>> Question is whenever we need this level of indirection (omap_dm_timer_ops)
>>> or plain exports are enough.
>> The general guidance is not to do plain exports and go via
>> omap_dm_timer_ops.
> ...in contrary what other clocksource drivers are doing.
> Now I'm assuming it is okay to extend omap_dm_timer_ops. That would mean
> check for ops members to be assigned should be also extended or we should
> delete it altogether and assume all members are populated?

It should be fine to extend omap_dm_timer_ops. What are the ops missing
for your new implementation?


Your thoughts on the above?

> Thanks,
> 	ladis

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