[linux-sunxi] sunxi: Endless musb_bus_suspend warnings when booting A23 tablet with OTG

Hans de Goede hdegoede at redhat.com
Wed Sep 7 03:44:03 PDT 2016


On 06-09-16 17:31, wens Tsai wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 7:28 PM, Hans de Goede <hdegoede at redhat.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 06-09-16 13:02, wens Tsai wrote:
>>> Hi Hans,
>>> I've built the latest sunxi-next branches of Linux and U-boot and
>>> tried it on my Q8 A23 tablet. My tablet has an OTG adapter with a
>>> USB ethernet adapter connected all the time. Upon booting into
>>> Linux I get an endless stream of:
>>>     musb_bus_suspend 2586: trying to suspend as a_wait_bcon while active
>>> messages. To get out of this I have to physically remove the OTG
>>> adapter. Booting without the OTG adapter to begin with also gets
>>> rid of the problem.
>>> Have you run into this problem? I wonder if we should disable VBUS
>>> just before leaving U-boot? Now that we support DRIVEVBUS this
>>> shouldn't be a problem.
>> I've not seen such a problem. I'm fine with disabling Vbus when
>> leaving u-boot, that certainly is the safe thing to do anyways.
> Seems there's no distinction between "USB reset" and leaving
> U-boot, as you mentioned in your patch removing the "power off"
> code from the USB drivers. Are you OK with power cycling during
> USB reset as well?

I would prefer not too, but if it is hard to get around that
I can live with it.

>> I guess I'll get a u-boot patch from you if that indeed fixes
>> things ?
> Yup. In progress. Though my ethernet adapter is acting up, so I'll
> need to swap in something else to test it properly.


Thanks & Regards,


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