Kirkwood dts spi-gpio

a.lombardinilo a.lombardinilo at
Wed Mar 9 05:12:07 PST 2016

I added dts files in the following section:

        spi_gpio {
                #address-cells = <1>;
                #size-cells = <1>;

                compatible = "spi-gpio";

                status = "okay";
                gpio-sck = <&gpio1 40 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
                gpio-miso = <&gpio1 41 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
                gpio-mosi = <&gpio1 42 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
                cs-gpios = <&gpio1 39 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
                num-chipselects = <1>;

                can0: can at 0 {
                        compatible = "microchip,mcp2515";
                        reg = <0>;
                        interrupts = <&gpio1 43 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
                        spi-max-frequency = <10000000>;

 and I see the kernel message:

# dmesg | grep spi
[    1.068019] spi_gpio spi_gpio: gpio-sck property not found
[    1.073537] spi_gpio: probe of spi_gpio failed with error -22

 thank you

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