Auto-detecting touchscreen controller and dealing with hw configuration differences on q8 tablets

Holger Schurig holgerschurig at
Mon Jun 20 03:33:57 PDT 2016

> u-boot will work, but you will get into trouble if you demand users to drop to u-boot
> to make changes.

On my device I use barebox, which is a bit easier *) to use than U-Boot.

Still I don't expect my users to the bootloader. Instead my hardware has
a 256 byte i2c EEPROM where I store information. And the user can run a
user-space command to change settings there, e.g.

uccomm verbose_boot yes
uccomm power_config ignition

... and so on. I could do some of them via bootloader environment files,
but not all.

And this is the other obvious way of doing "communication" from Linux
user-space to bootloader: setting the environment. The bootloader could
mount the partition and try to source some file, to get the info needed.

*) in barebox, you have actual shell-like script that look sane, not
 variables that call variables, e.g. you can do things like this:

	if [ $oem_id = 255 ]; then
		splash -x 550 -y 500 -b 0xffffff /env/logo.png
	gpio_set_value 191 1

There are also commands available to directly modify the device tree.

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