[Cocci] [PATCH v13 3/6] clk: Make clk API return per-user struct clk instances

Quentin Lambert lambert.quentin at gmail.com
Thu Feb 5 07:45:14 PST 2015

On 05/02/2015 00:26, Stephen Boyd wrote:
>> If you want me to I can enlarge the search to other directories.
> Yes please do. And if you could share the coccinelle patch that would be
> great. Thanks.
structclk.cocci is the coccinelle patch
structclk-arm.patch is the result I got when applying it to the arch/arm 

Is there anything else I can do to help?

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/// Find any attempt to compare or dereference struct clk pointers.
// Confidence: High
// Copyright: (C) 2015 Quentin Lambert, INRIA/LiP6. GPLv2
// URL: http://coccinelle.lip6.fr/
// Options: --recursive-includes --relax-include-path
// Options: --include-headers-for-types

virtual context
virtual org
virtual report

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

@comparison_dereference depends on context || org || report@
struct clk *x1, x2;
position j0;

*  x1 at j0 == x2
*  x1 at j0 != x2
*  *x1 at j0

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

@script:python comparison_dereference_org depends on org@
j0 << comparison_dereference.j0;

msg = "WARNING trying to compare or dereference struct clk pointers."
coccilib.org.print_todo(j0[0], msg)

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

@script:python comparison_dereference_report depends on report@
j0 << comparison_dereference.j0;

msg = "WARNING trying to compare or dereference struct clk pointers."
coccilib.report.print_report(j0[0], msg)

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