IRQ setup on multicore systems (routing, balancing, etc)

Mason slash.tmp at
Tue Aug 4 06:41:22 PDT 2015

Hello everyone,

I have a few very naive questions about interrupts.

How are interrupts set up on multicore systems?

If I write a device tree node for some peripheral, am I supposed
to specify which core each interrupt should be routed to?

On my system, there is a custom interrupt controller, but the ARM
chip also provides a Generic Interrupt Controller (GIC).

Am I supposed to use both, or can I use just the GIC?
(I suspect the answer is very platform-dependent.)

I've seen a lot of articles discussing interrupt "management"
on x86 (with APIC) but my search-foo is failing me for more
generic Linux "Howto set up". Are there good references?

I suppose I should take a look at these?

For my own reference:

ARM Generic Interrupt Controller Architecture Specification v1.0 (IHI0048A)
Cortex-A9 MPCore (Revision: r3p0) Technical Reference Manual


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