[PATCH] sunxi: a10-lime: add regulator nodes

Mark Brown broonie at kernel.org
Sat Apr 4 05:33:02 PDT 2015

On Sat, Apr 04, 2015 at 02:18:12PM +0200, Javier Martinez Canillas wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 12:23 AM, Maxime Ripard

> > No, it's defining which regulators are provided by the regulator, and
> > the voltage boundaries they have. It doesn't make any assumption with
> > regards to what is connected to what, and if a particular regulator is
> > connected to something. That's something that the board DTS should
> > describe as accurately as possible.

This is broken - think about what this means.  If you are defining a
voltage (or any other constraint) you're saying that it's safe to use on
a given board.  If you provide a voltage constraint saying that the
maximum allowable range for a voltage regulator is safe.  That's
unlikely to be true on any given board, usually only a limited set of
regulators can vary voltages at runtime safely at all and then rarely
over their full supported range.  Similarly for other constraints, for
example allowing a regulator to be disabled when there are driverless
things (or drivers without regulator support or mappings for that board)
relying on it is going to break.

Providing a list of the regulators is safe but not really doing a huge

Note that I've not seen the original patch so it's possible it's doing
something different.
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