ARMADA 370 - Distributed Switch Architecture (dsa) - device tree

Richard Cochran richardcochran at
Thu Oct 23 01:32:02 PDT 2014

On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 06:24:32AM -0700, Guenter Roeck wrote:
> I can not really tell if they are similar; I don't have the datasheet
> for the 6350/6351. The datasheet for the 6352 covers a couple of other
> switches, but not those two. The 6352 does support PTP; I can see that
> much in its datasheet. You could check if my 6352 driver works for you ;-).

(Sorry for the delay in replying.)

Here is my current set of definitions. Probably you can see whether
the 6352 is similar enough or not. I keep a text file with register
definitions, and a little tool to format the C-code output. If you
like this approach, we can add any other fields or bits you may need.

Using the macros, you can code like this.

	u16 management, upstream = dsa_upstream_port(ds);

	management |= RSVD_2_CPU;

		  (upstream & CPU_DST_MASK) << CPU_DST_SHIFT);

That mostly eliminates the need for comment blocks explaining the
hardcoded numbers.


/* mv88e635x_reg.h
 * Generated by regen.tcl on Tue Oct 14 19:39:45 CEST 2014

#define PORT_REGISTERS             0x0010
#define PORT_STATUS                0x0000
#define PHYSICAL_CONTROL           0x0001
#define JAMMING_CONTROL            0x0002
#define SWITCH_IDENTIFIER          0x0003
#define PORT_CONTROL               0x0004
#define PORT_CONTROL_1             0x0005
#define PORT_BASED_VLAN_MAP        0x0006
#define PORT_VLAN_ID_PRI           0x0007
#define PORT_CONTROL_2             0x0008
#define EGRESS_RATE_CTRL           0x0009
#define EGRESS_RATE_CTRL_2         0x000a
#define PORT_ASSOC_VECTOR          0x000b
#define PORT_ATU_CONTROL           0x000c
#define PRIORITY_OVERRIDE          0x000d
#define POLICY_CONTROL             0x000e
#define PORT_ETHERTYPE             0x000f

#define GLOBAL_1_REGISTERS         0x001b
#define GLOBAL_STATUS              0x0000
#define ATU_FID                    0x0001
#define VTU_FID                    0x0002
#define VTU_SID                    0x0003
#define GLOBAL_CONTROL             0x0004
#define VTU_OPERATION              0x0005
#define VTU_VID                    0x0006
#define VTU_DATA_PORTS_30          0x0007
#define VTU_DATA_PORTS_74          0x0008
#define VTU_DATA_PORTS_A8          0x0009
#define ATU_CONTROL                0x000a
#define ATU_OPERATION              0x000b
#define ATU_DATA                   0x000c
#define ATU_MAC_01                 0x000d
#define ATU_MAC_23                 0x000e
#define ATU_MAC_45                 0x000f
#define IEEE_TAG_PRIORITY          0x0018
#define IP_PRI_MAPPING             0x0019
#define MONITOR_DEST               0x001a
#define FREE_POOL                  0x001b
#define GLOBAL_CONTROL_2           0x001c
#define STATS_OPERATION            0x001d
#define STATS_DATA_32              0x001e
#define STATS_DATA_10              0x001f

#define GLOBAL_2_REGISTERS         0x001c
#define INTERRUPT_SOURCE           0x0000
#define INTERRUPT_MASK             0x0001
#define MGMT_ENABLES_2X            0x0002
#define MGMT_ENABLES_0X            0x0003
#define FLOW_CONTROL_DELAYS        0x0004
#define SW_MANAGEMENT              0x0005
#define DEVICE_MAPPING             0x0006
#define TRUNK_MASK                 0x0007
#define TRUNK_MAPPING              0x0008
#define INGRESS_RATE_CMD           0x0009
#define INGRESS_RATE_DATA          0x000a
#define CROSSPORT_VLAN_ADDR        0x000b
#define CROSSPORT_VLAN_DATA        0x000c
#define SWITCH_MAC                 0x000d
#define ATU_STATS                  0x000e
#define PRIORITY_OVERRIDES         0x000f
#define EEPROM_CMD                 0x0014
#define EEPROM_DATA                0x0015
#define AVB_CMD                    0x0016
#define AVB_DATA                   0x0017
#define SMI_PHY_COMMAND            0x0018
#define SMI_PHY_DATA               0x0019
#define SCRATCH                    0x001a
#define WATCH_DOG_CONTROL          0x001b
#define QOS_WEIGHTS                0x001c

#define PTP_PORT_REGISTERS         0x0000
#define PTP_PORT_CONFIG_0          0x0000
#define PTP_PORT_CONFIG_1          0x0001
#define PTP_PORT_CONFIG_2          0x0002
#define PTP_ARR0_STATUS            0x0008
#define PTP_ARR0_TIME_LOW          0x0009 /* Receive time stamp 0 [15:0] */
#define PTP_ARR0_TIME_HIGH         0x000a /* Receive time stamp 0 [31:16] */
#define PTP_ARR0_SEQID             0x000b /* Receive time stamp 0 sequence ID */
#define PTP_ARR1_STATUS            0x000c
#define PTP_ARR1_TIME_LOW          0x000d /* Receive time stamp 1 [15:0] */
#define PTP_ARR1_TIME_HIGH         0x000e /* Receive time stamp 1 [31:16] */
#define PTP_ARR1_SEQID             0x000f /* Receive time stamp 1 sequence ID */
#define PTP_DEP_STATUS             0x0010
#define PTP_DEP_TIME_LOW           0x0011 /* Transmit time stamp [15:0] */
#define PTP_DEP_TIME_HIGH          0x0012 /* Transmit time stamp [31:16] */
#define PTP_DEP_SEQID              0x0013 /* Transmit time stamp sequence ID */
#define PTP_PORT_DIS_CTRS          0x0015

#define TAI_GLOBAL_REGISTERS       0x000e
#define TAI_GLOBAL_CONFIG_0        0x0000
#define TSCLKPER                   0x0001 /* Clock period in picoseconds */
#define TRIG_GEN_AMT_LOW           0x0002 /* Trig. generation amount [15:0] */
#define TRIG_GEN_AMT_HIGH          0x0003 /* Trig. generation amount [31:16] */
#define TRIG_CLK_COMP              0x0004 /* Addend in picoseconds */
#define TAI_GLOBAL_CONFIG_1        0x0005
#define TRIG_GEN_INT_STATUS        0x0008
#define EVENT_STATUS               0x0009
#define EVENT_TIME_LOW             0x000a
#define EVENT_TIME_HIGH            0x000b
#define PTP_TIME_LOW               0x000e
#define PTP_TIME_HIGH              0x000f

#define PTP_GLOBAL_REGISTERS       0x000f
#define PTP_ETHERTYPE              0x0000 /* PTP Ethertype */
#define MSG_ID_TS_EN               0x0001 /* Message ID time stamp enable */
#define TS_ARR_PTR                 0x0002 /* Rx time stamp slot */
#define PTP_INT                    0x0008 /* Per port PTP interrupt */

/* Bit definitions for the SWITCH_IDENTIFIER register */
#define PRODUCT_NUM_SHIFT          (4)     /* Product number or identifier */
#define PRODUCT_NUM_MASK           (0xfff)
#define REV_IDENTIFIER_SHIFT       (0)
#define REV_IDENTIFIER_MASK        (0xf)

/* Bit definitions for the PORT_CONTROL register */
#define SA_FILTERING_SHIFT         (14)    /* Source address filter control */
#define SA_FILTERING_MASK          (0x3)
#define EGRESS_MODE_SHIFT          (12)
#define EGRESS_MODE_MASK           (0x3)
#define HEADER_MODE                (1<<11) /* Ingress/egress header mode */
#define IGMP_MLD_SNOOP             (1<<10)
#define FRAME_MODE_SHIFT           (8)
#define FRAME_MODE_MASK            (0x3)
#define VLAN_TUNNEL                (1<<7)
#define TAG_IF_BOTH                (1<<6)
#define INITIAL_PRI_SHIFT          (4)
#define INITIAL_PRI_MASK           (0x3)
#define EGRESS_FLOODS_SHIFT        (2)
#define EGRESS_FLOODS_MASK         (0x3)
#define PORT_STATE_SHIFT           (0)
#define PORT_STATE_MASK            (0x3)

/* Bit definitions for the ATU_OPERATION register */
#define ATU_BUSY                   (1<<15) /* Address Translation Unit Busy */
#define ATU_OP_SHIFT               (12)    /* Address Translation Unit Opcode */
#define ATU_OP_MASK                (0x7)
#define MAC_PRI_SHIFT              (8)     /* MAC Priority bits */
#define MAC_PRI_MASK               (0x7)
#define AGEOUT_VIOLATION           (1<<7)
#define MEMBER_VIOLATION           (1<<6)
#define MISS_VIOLATION             (1<<5)
#define ATUFULL_VIOLATION          (1<<4)

/* Bit definitions for the ATU_DATA register */
#define TRUNK                      (1<<15) /* Trunk Mapped Address */
#define PORT_VEC_SHIFT             (4)     /* Port Vector */
#define PORT_VEC_MASK              (0xff)
#define ENTRY_STATE_SHIFT          (0)     /* ATU Entry State */
#define ENTRY_STATE_MASK           (0xf)

/* Bit definitions for the MONITOR_DEST register */
#define INGRESS_MON_DST_SHIFT      (12)    /* Ingress monitor destination */
#define INGRESS_MON_DST_MASK       (0xf)
#define EGRESS_MON_DST_SHIFT       (8)     /* Egress monitor destination */
#define EGRESS_MON_DST_MASK        (0xf)
#define CPU_DST_SHIFT              (4)     /* CPU destination port */
#define CPU_DST_MASK               (0xf)
#define MIRROR_DST_SHIFT           (0)     /* Mirror destination port */
#define MIRROR_DST_MASK            (0xf)

/* Bit definitions for the SW_MANAGEMENT register */
#define LOOPBACK_FILTER            (1<<15)
#define FLOW_CTRL_MSG              (1<<13)
#define FLOOD_BC                   (1<<12)
#define REMOVE_1P_TAG              (1<<11)
#define ATU_AGE_INT_EN             (1<<10)
#define TAG_FLOW_CONTROL           (1<<9)
#define FORCE_FLOW_CTRL_PRI        (1<<7)
#define FC_PRI_SHIFT               (4)     /* Flow control priority */
#define FC_PRI_MASK                (0x7)
#define RSVD_2_CPU                 (1<<3)
#define MGMT_PRI_SHIFT             (0)
#define MGMT_PRI_MASK              (0x7)

/* Bit definitions for the AVB_CMD register */
#define AVB_BUSY                   (1<<15)
#define AVB_OP_SHIFT               (12)    /* AVB unit operation code */
#define AVB_OP_MASK                (0x7)
#define AVB_PORT_SHIFT             (8)     /* Port index or 0xf for globals */
#define AVB_PORT_MASK              (0xf)
#define AVB_BLOCK_SHIFT            (5)     /* Address block */
#define AVB_BLOCK_MASK             (0x7)
#define AVB_ADDR_SHIFT             (0)
#define AVB_ADDR_MASK              (0x1f)

/* Bit definitions for the PTP_PORT_CONFIG_0 register */
#define TRANS_SPEC_SHIFT           (12)    /* Transport specific value */
#define TRANS_SPEC_MASK            (0xf)
#define DIS_TSPEC_CHECK            (1<<11) /* Disable transport check */
#define DIS_TS_OVERWRITE           (1<<1)  /* Disable time stamp overwriting */
#define DIS_PTP                    (1<<0)  /* Disable time stamp logic */

/* Bit definitions for the PTP_PORT_CONFIG_1 register */
#define IP_JUMP_SHIFT              (8)     /* Internet Protocol jump */
#define IP_JUMP_MASK               (0x3f)
#define ET_JUMP_SHIFT              (0)     /* Ethertype jump */
#define ET_JUMP_MASK               (0x1f)

/* Bit definitions for the PTP_PORT_CONFIG_2 register */
#define PTP_DEP_INT_EN             (1<<1)  /* Transmit interrupt enable */
#define PTP_ARR_INT_EN             (1<<0)  /* Receive interrupt enable */

/* Bit definitions for the PTP_ARR0_STATUS register */
#define PTP_INT_STATUS_SHIFT       (1)     /* Time stamp interrupt status */
#define PTP_INT_STATUS_MASK        (0x3)
#define PTP_TS_TIMEVALID           (1<<0)  /* Indicates time stamp valid */

/* Bit definitions for the PTP_PORT_DIS_CTRS register */
#define PTP_TS_DEPDISCTR_SHIFT     (12)    /* Tx event message discard count */
#define PTP_TS_DEPDISCTR_MASK      (0xf)
#define PTP_NTS_DEPDISCTR_SHIFT    (8)     /* Tx general msg discard count */
#define PTP_NTS_DEPDISCTR_MASK     (0xf)
#define PTP_TS_ARRDISCTR_SHIFT     (4)     /* Rx event message discard count */
#define PTP_TS_ARRDISCTR_MASK      (0xf)
#define PTP_NTS_ARRDISCTR_SHIFT    (0)     /* Rx general msg discard count */
#define PTP_NTS_ARRDISCTR_MASK     (0xf)

/* Bit definitions for the TAI_GLOBAL_CONFIG_0 register */
#define EVENT_CAP_OV               (1<<15) /* Event capture overwrite */
#define EVENT_CTR_START            (1<<14) /* Event counter start */
#define TRIG_GEN_INT_EN            (1<<9)  /* Trigger interrupt enable */
#define EVENT_CAP_INT_EN           (1<<8)  /* Event interrupt enable */
#define TIME_INC_DEC_EN            (1<<3)  /* Enable time adjustment */
#define MULTIPTP_SYNCMODE          (1<<2)  /* Multiple device sync mode */
#define TRIG_MODE                  (1<<1)  /* Trigger Mode */
#define TRIG_GEN_REQ               (1<<0)  /* Trigger generation request */

/* Bit definitions for the TAI_GLOBAL_CONFIG_1 register */
#define PULSE_WIDTH_SHIFT          (12)    /* Pulse width in TSCLKPER units */
#define PULSE_WIDTH_MASK           (0xf)
#define TIME_INC_DEC_OP            (1<<11) /* Sign for TIME_INC_DEC_AMT */
#define TIME_INC_DEC_AMT_SHIFT     (0)     /* Time adjustment amount */
#define TIME_INC_DEC_AMT_MASK      (0x7ff)

/* Bit definitions for the TRIG_GEN_INT_STATUS register */
#define TRIG_GEN_INT               (1<<15) /* Trigger generation interrupt */

/* Bit definitions for the EVENT_STATUS register */
#define EVENT_INT                  (1<<15) /* Event capture interrupt */
#define EVENT_CAP_ERR              (1<<9)  /* Event capture error */
#define EVENT_CAP_VALID            (1<<8)  /* Event capture valid */
#define EVENT_CAP_CTR_SHIFT        (0)     /* Event capture counter */
#define EVENT_CAP_CTR_MASK         (0xff)

/* Bit definitions for the MSG_ID_TS_EN register */
#define SYNC                       (1<<0)
#define DELAY_REQ                  (1<<1)
#define PDELAY_REQ                 (1<<2)
#define PDELAY_RESP                (1<<3)
#define FOLLOW_UP                  (1<<8)
#define DELAY_RESP                 (1<<9)
#define PDELAY_RESP_FUP            (1<<10)
#define ANNOUNCE                   (1<<11)
#define SIGNALING                  (1<<12)
#define MANAGEMENT                 (1<<13)


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