[PATCH v8 03/10] sched: move cfs task on a CPU with higher capacity

Vincent Guittot vincent.guittot at linaro.org
Tue Nov 4 03:10:37 PST 2014

On 4 November 2014 11:42, Wanpeng Li <kernellwp at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Vincent,
>>>> +
>>>> +/*
>>>>     * Group imbalance indicates (and tries to solve) the problem where
>>>> balancing
>>>>     * groups is inadequate due to tsk_cpus_allowed() constraints.
>>>>     *
>>>> @@ -6562,6 +6574,28 @@ static int need_active_balance(struct lb_env
>>>> *env)
>>>>                          return 1;
>>>>          }
>>>>    +     /*
>>>> +        * The dst_cpu is idle and the src_cpu CPU has only 1 CFS task.
>>> Why specify one task instead of not less than one?
>> if cfs.h_nr_running == 0 (which should not occurs at that point), we
>> don't need to do more test to check if it's worth moving the task
>> because there is no task to move.
> Sorry for my confusing statement. I mean cfs.h_nr_running >= 1.


If we have more than 1 task, we fall back into the default balancing
policy than should move a not running task or that will use the
imbalance field in case of the presence of pinned tasks


> Regards,
> Wanpeng Li
>> Regards,
>> Vincent
>>> Regards,
>>> Wanpeng Li
>>>> +        * It's worth migrating the task if the src_cpu's capacity is
>>>> reduced
>>>> +        * because of other sched_class or IRQs whereas capacity stays
>>>> +        * available on dst_cpu.
>>>> +        */
>>>> +       if ((env->idle != CPU_NOT_IDLE) &&
>>>> +                       (env->src_rq->cfs.h_nr_running == 1)) {
>>>> +               unsigned long src_eff_capacity, dst_eff_capacity;
>>>> +
>>>> +               dst_eff_capacity = 100;
>>>> +               dst_eff_capacity *= capacity_of(env->dst_cpu);
>>>> +               dst_eff_capacity *= capacity_orig_of(env->src_cpu);
>>>> +
>>>> +               src_eff_capacity = sd->imbalance_pct;
>>>> +               src_eff_capacity *= capacity_of(env->src_cpu);
>>>> +               src_eff_capacity *= capacity_orig_of(env->dst_cpu);
>>>> +
>>>> +               if (src_eff_capacity < dst_eff_capacity)
>>>> +                       return 1;
>>>> +       }
>>>> +

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