[Ksummit-2013-discuss] DT bindings as ABI [was: Do we have people interested in device tree janitoring / cleanup?]

Mark Brown broonie at kernel.org
Thu Jul 25 15:30:42 EDT 2013

On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 11:25:30AM -0700, Olof Johansson wrote:

> To talk semi-specifics: What about USB PHY tunings for a specific
> board, where each of the three USB ports and their registers have
> slightly different layout? Sure, we can take 10 properties to describe
> each tunable field in each register, but at the end it will just be
> used to craft the contents blindly, so we might just stuff the 32-bit
> register value as a property instead. And in other cases we might
> indeed want to describe each property independently. Determining what
> is appropriate when is one of the most difficult parts of the review
> workflow.

There's also my constant question about why the driver can't just work
out the right value or decide to use the feature autonomously at runtime
- I'd say that the overwhelming proportion of properties I push back on
end up just getting removed and worked out automatically.
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