L1 & L2 cache flush sequence on CortexA5 MPcore w.r.t low power modes

Antti P Miettinen ananaza at iki.fi
Fri Feb 22 04:04:04 EST 2013

Hello, coming back to an old thread:

Antti P Miettinen <ananaza at iki.fi> writes:
> Antti P Miettinen <ananaza at iki.fi> writes:
>> Hmm.. is the condition for cache coherence protocol then different from
>> TLB lookups? If C is cleared, is the cache available for snoops by other
>> cores? What happens if another core needs a dirty line in a cache that
>> has C cleared?
> Sorry - looks like you already answered this:
>> 2) as long as they are taking part in coherency (SMP bit set in ACTLR), all
>>    Cortex-A cores in a MP configuration with the SCTLR.C bit set can hit in
>>    the cache of a CPU that runs with the C bit cleared in SCTLR
> So other cores apparently can search the cache that has C bit
> cleared. The only clarification I still would need is whether this
> searching applies to also TLB fetches by other cores. So when you say:
>> .. TLB fetches cannot search the D-cache if the C bit in
>> SCTLR is clear on A9. ..
> you meant TLB fethes by the core that has it's C bit cleared. The TLB
> fetches by other cores will still search the cache just like any other
> coherence searches?

This did not get answered - are TLB fetches by sibling cores treated in
the same way as cache fetches? If core A has C bit cleared, is the cache
still available for TLB fetches by core B?

Antti P Miettinen

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