[PATCH 1/2] ARM: Dove: Add the audio devices in DT

Jean-Francois Moine moinejf at free.fr
Thu Aug 29 06:07:04 EDT 2013

On Wed, 28 Aug 2013 14:16:32 +0200
Sebastian Hesselbarth <sebastian.hesselbarth at gmail.com> wrote:

> > Though, if the difference between the two units is the availability of
> > SPDIF support, then we shouldn't encode the channel number, but instead
> > the availability of SPDIF, i.e:
> >
> > 	audio0 {
> > 		reg = <... ...>;
> > 		compatible = "marvell,kirkwood-audio";
> > 		marvell,has-spdif;  
> Agree, if you make it "marvell,has-spdif-in" and "marvell,has-spdif-out"
> Dove has either i2s-only or i2s+spdifo, kirkwood has i2s+spdifo+spdifi
> for the one audio controller available. Can't tell for Armada 370.
> BTW, you might have followed some of the DT discussions with Mark
> before; as he insists on having a separate sound card node, he might
> argue that above property should be part of that node instead.

Yes. For the Cubox, the card will be described by something like:

	sound {
		compatible = "simple-audio";
		audio-controller = <&audio1>;
		audio-codec = <&spdif>;
		codec-dai-name = "dit-hifi";


	spdif: spdif {
 		compatible = "linux,spdif-dit";

Then, the audio driver will know about s/pdif on the first open.

Ken ar c'hentaƱ	|	      ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
Jef		|		http://moinejf.free.fr/

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