Adding a void * to pinctrl_pin_desc

Sherman Yin syin at
Mon Apr 29 19:46:51 EDT 2013

>> Hmm, while it would be easy to create a macro to fill the static foo_pin_desc array
>> in the driver, this array would not be suitable for use with pinctrl_register().
> Now I start to change opinion. You're right about this.
>> I would have to, in the probe function, loop through the foo_pin_desc array and
>> create another pinctrl_pin_desc array to use for pinctrl_desc.pins.
> Yeah that sucks.
>> I think I'll just use a separate struct in the driver to keep track of other pin-specific data.
> No I think I have changed opinion. Can you send a patch adding a void * to
> struct pinctrl_pin_desc  as patch [1/n] when you send your driver, and
> I think I'll be happy with it.

Great!  This will definitely work for my chip, and I can do it as the first of n patches 
for my driver later.  While we are considering a change to pinctrl_pin_desc, I just 
want to point out a more forward-thinking solution:

The void* method works well for my chip where each pin can be one of only 
3 types, such as:

static const int std_pin = PIN_TYPE_STD;
static const int i2c_pin = PIN_TYPE_I2C;

#define FOO_PIN(a,b,c) {.number=a, .name=b, .drv_data=&c)

static const struct pinctrl_pin_desc foo_pins[] = {
  FOO_PIN(PIN_NUM_1, "pin name 1", std_pin),
  FOO_PIN(PIN_NUM_2, "pin name 2", i2c_pin),
  FOO_PIN(PIN_NUM_3, "pin name 3", i2c_pin),

but this may not work well for drivers where the private data is unique for every 
pin.  drv_data is a void*, so the data has to be defined first (potentially, this is another 
long array) before the pinctrl_pin_desc MACRO can refer to the address like the 
code above.  

I think ultimately the most flexible solution would be to let each driver define their own 
pin_desc like pin groups and pin functions.  This would involve some changes 
to the core:
- instead of having a pinctrl_pin_desc array in pinctrl_desc, expand it to 2 arrays - 
unsigned pin_number array and const char pin_name array
- APIs such as pinctrl_register() and pinctrl_free_pindescs() will have to similarly 
expand pinctrl_pin_desc into its 2 components.

Right now, I don't think it is worth the effort to change all the drivers and core code for
this flexibility, since no driver currently uses it.  Just wanted to point this out for 


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