[PATCH v2 2/2] ARM: davinci: dm365 EVM: add support for VPBE display

Prabhakar Lad prabhakar.lad at ti.com
Fri Jul 20 10:29:17 EDT 2012

From: Manjunath Hadli <manjunath.hadli at ti.com>

add support for V4L2 video display to DM365 EVM.
Support for SD and ED modes is provided, along with Composite
and Component outputs.

Signed-off-by: Manjunath Hadli <manjunath.hadli at ti.com>
Signed-off-by: Lad, Prabhakar <prabhakar.lad at ti.com>
 arch/arm/mach-davinci/board-dm365-evm.c |  176 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 175 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-davinci/board-dm365-evm.c b/arch/arm/mach-davinci/board-dm365-evm.c
index ac1f20d..ec7d6e7 100644
--- a/arch/arm/mach-davinci/board-dm365-evm.c
+++ b/arch/arm/mach-davinci/board-dm365-evm.c
@@ -374,6 +374,180 @@ static struct vpfe_config vpfe_cfg = {
 	.ccdc = "ISIF",
+/* venc standards timings */
+static struct vpbe_enc_mode_info dm365evm_enc_std_timing[] = {
+	{
+		.name		= "ntsc",
+		.timings_type	= VPBE_ENC_STD,
+		.timings	= {V4L2_STD_525_60},
+		.interlaced	= 1,
+		.xres		= 720,
+		.yres		= 480,
+		.aspect		= {11, 10},
+		.fps		= {30000, 1001},
+		.left_margin	= 0x79,
+		.right_margin	= 0,
+		.upper_margin	= 0x10,
+		.lower_margin	= 0,
+		.hsync_len	= 0,
+		.vsync_len	= 0,
+		.flags		= 0,
+	},
+	{
+		.name		= "pal",
+		.timings_type	= VPBE_ENC_STD,
+		.timings	= {V4L2_STD_625_50},
+		.interlaced	= 1,
+		.xres		= 720,
+		.yres		= 576,
+		.aspect		= {54, 59},
+		.fps		= {25, 1},
+		.left_margin	= 0x7E,
+		.right_margin	= 0,
+		.upper_margin	= 0x16,
+		.lower_margin	= 0,
+		.hsync_len	= 0,
+		.vsync_len	= 0,
+		.flags		= 0,
+	},
+/* venc dv preset timings */
+static struct vpbe_enc_mode_info dm365evm_enc_preset_timing[] = {
+	{
+		.name		= "480p59_94",
+		.timings_type	= VPBE_ENC_DV_PRESET,
+		.timings	= {V4L2_DV_480P59_94},
+		.interlaced	= 0,
+		.xres		= 720,
+		.yres		= 480,
+		.aspect		= {1, 1},
+		.fps		= {5994, 100},
+		.left_margin	= 0x8F,
+		.right_margin	= 0,
+		.upper_margin	= 0x2D,
+		.lower_margin	= 0,
+		.hsync_len	= 0,
+		.vsync_len	= 0,
+		.flags		= 0,
+	},
+	{
+		.name		= "576p50",
+		.timings_type	= VPBE_ENC_DV_PRESET,
+		.timings	= {V4L2_DV_576P50},
+		.interlaced	= 0,
+		.xres		= 720,
+		.yres		= 576,
+		.aspect		= {1, 1},
+		.fps		= {50, 1},
+		.left_margin	= 0x8C,
+		.right_margin	= 0,
+		.upper_margin	= 0x36,
+		.lower_margin	= 0,
+		.hsync_len	= 0,
+		.vsync_len	= 0,
+		.flags		= 0,
+	},
+	{
+		.name		= "720p60",
+		.timings_type	= VPBE_ENC_DV_PRESET,
+		.timings	= {V4L2_DV_720P60},
+		.interlaced	= 0,
+		.xres		= 1280,
+		.yres		= 720,
+		.aspect		= {1, 1},
+		.fps		= {60, 1},
+		.left_margin	= 0x117,
+		.right_margin	= 70,
+		.upper_margin	= 38,
+		.lower_margin	= 3,
+		.hsync_len	= 80,
+		.vsync_len	= 5,
+		.flags		= 0,
+	},
+	{
+		.name		= "1080i30",
+		.timings_type	= VPBE_ENC_DV_PRESET,
+		.timings	= {V4L2_DV_1080I30},
+		.interlaced	= 1,
+		.xres		= 1920,
+		.yres		= 1080,
+		.aspect		= {1, 1},
+		.fps		= {30, 1},
+		.left_margin	= 0xc9,
+		.right_margin	= 80,
+		.upper_margin	= 30,
+		.lower_margin	= 3,
+		.hsync_len	= 88,
+		.vsync_len	= 5,
+		.flags		= 0,
+	},
+ * The outputs available from VPBE + ecnoders. Keep the
+ * the order same as that of encoders. First those from venc followed by that
+ * from encoders. Index in the outpuvpbe-t refers to index on a particular
+ * encoder.Driver uses this index to pass it to encoder when it supports more
+ * than one output. Application uses index of the array to set an output.
+ */
+static struct vpbe_output dm365evm_vpbe_outputs[] = {
+	{
+		.output		= {
+			.index		= 0,
+			.name		= "Composite",
+			.type		= V4L2_OUTPUT_TYPE_ANALOG,
+			.std		= VENC_STD_ALL,
+			.capabilities	= V4L2_OUT_CAP_STD,
+		},
+		.subdev_name	= VPBE_VENC_SUBDEV_NAME,
+		.default_mode	= "ntsc",
+		.num_modes	= ARRAY_SIZE(dm365evm_enc_std_timing),
+		.modes		= dm365evm_enc_std_timing,
+		.if_params	= V4L2_MBUS_FMT_FIXED,
+	},
+	{
+		.output		= {
+			.index		= 1,
+			.name		= "Component",
+			.type		= V4L2_OUTPUT_TYPE_ANALOG,
+			.capabilities	= V4L2_OUT_CAP_PRESETS,
+		},
+		.subdev_name	= VPBE_VENC_SUBDEV_NAME,
+		.default_mode	= "480p59_94",
+		.num_modes	= ARRAY_SIZE(dm365evm_enc_preset_timing),
+		.modes		= dm365evm_enc_preset_timing,
+		.if_params	= V4L2_MBUS_FMT_FIXED,
+	},
+ * Amplifiers on the board
+ */
+static struct amp_config_info vpbe_amp = {
+	.module_name	= "ths7303",
+	.is_i2c		= 1,
+	.board_info	= {
+		I2C_BOARD_INFO("ths7303", 0x2c)
+	}
+static struct vpbe_config dm365evm_display_cfg = {
+	.module_name	= "dm365-vpbe-display",
+	.i2c_adapter_id	= 1,
+	.amp		= &vpbe_amp,
+	.osd		= {
+		.module_name	= VPBE_OSD_SUBDEV_NAME,
+	},
+	.venc		= {
+		.module_name	= VPBE_VENC_SUBDEV_NAME,
+	},
+	.num_outputs	= ARRAY_SIZE(dm365evm_vpbe_outputs),
+	.outputs	= dm365evm_vpbe_outputs,
 static void __init evm_init_i2c(void)
@@ -595,7 +769,7 @@ static __init void dm365_evm_init(void)
 	davinci_setup_mmc(0, &dm365evm_mmc_config);
-	dm365_init_video(&vpfe_cfg, NULL);
+	dm365_init_video(&vpfe_cfg, &dm365evm_display_cfg);
 	/* maybe setup mmc1/etc ... _after_ mmc0 */

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