DMA: PL330: support for multiple irqs?

dirac3000 dirac3000 at
Tue Jan 3 12:13:14 EST 2012


I have noticed the current PL330 driver does not provide any support for
multiples interrupts, even if the controller allows such implementation
(e.g.: one interrupt line for channel).

So far the driver takes the first element of the IRQ field in the
amba_device structure and makes a request on that IRQ, but I am working
on a PL330 with 7 different IRQ lines (6 for events + 1 for irq_abort).

A possibility would be to change the driver to loop over the
amba_device->irq array, but this is limited to max 2 IRQs, and I don't
understand this limitation.

Has anybody worked on a similar configuration?

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