[PATCH] ARM: pxa: mfp: Force gpio direction for MFP_LPM_KEEP_OUTPUT

Igor Grinberg grinberg at compulab.co.il
Tue Apr 3 04:01:12 EDT 2012

On 04/02/12 16:33, Paul Parsons wrote:
> Hello Igor,

[...] Remove the unreadable stuff...

>>>>> On corgi, the three GPIOs configured as
>>>>>       CORGI_GPIO_CHRG_ON
>>>>> are all used as outputs.
>>>> Have you verified it, because currently
>>>> does not do a direction configuration... and IMO,
>> it should
>>>> not!
>>> Yes, all 3 GPIOs are configured as outputs:
>>> CORGI_GPIO_LED_ORANGE in drivers/leds/leds-gpio.c
>>> CORGI_GPIO_CHRG_ON in arch/arm/mach-pxa/corgi_pm.c
>>> CORGI_GPIO_CHRG_UKN in arch/arm/mach-pxa/corgi_pm.c
>> Good, then they will be kept output also in the suspend
>> mode,
>> as for current implementation.

Now I can see that it will not... because of the below line:
GPDR(i * 32) = gpdr_lpm[i];

in the pxa2xx_mfp_suspend() function.

[...] remove unreadable stuff...

>>> Do you agree that KEEP_OUTPUT, DRIVE_HIGH and DRIVE_LOW
>> should all be
>>> consistent in being either optional or mandatory sleep
>> mode
>>> configurations?
>> No, according to current implementation (and IMO, it is
>> _not_ a bug):
>> DRIVE_HIGH and DRIVE_LOW are mandatory,
>> KEEP_OUTPUT is optional.
>>>>> yet for some reason it is being allowed to
>> prevent the
>>>>> setting of PGSR in the case of GPIO inputs.
>>>> Because, the PGSR is valid only for GPIO outputs!
>>>> and has nothing to do with inputs.
>>> I know, it makes no sense to specify KEEP_OUTPUT,
>>> for GPIO inputs.
>> That's the point, that it does make sense for certain
>> cases,
>> when you want the GPIO to be bidirectional, but output in
>> suspend.
>> This allows certain flexibility.
>>> But since DRIVE_HIGH or DRIVE_LOW currently don't
>> prevent that,
>> Don't prevent what?
> Don't prevent a GPIO input being changed to an output when entering
> suspend().

Why should they prevent that? In case of bidirectional GPIOs it is
perfectly fine.

> By the way, there is still the issue of DRIVE_HIGH and DRIVE_LOW
> forcing the GPIO direction to output in pxa2xx_mfp_suspend()
> *before* the PGSR values take effect. Surely a bug?

No, the order is not important as the final setting is done by the h/w
during the suspend transition.

>> DRIVE_HIGH and DRIVE_LOW allow you to do
>> what
>> ever you want with the GPIO in runtime, but have it strictly
>> configured
>> for the suspend.
>>> the
>>> presumption must be that GPIOs configured as DRIVE_HIGH
>> or DRIVE_LOW are
>>> being used as outputs. Likewise for KEEP_OUTPUT?
>> KEEP_OUTPUT only affects the GPIOs configured for output in
>> runtime
>> and let you keep the last output value.
>>>>> Consequently the (GPDR(i) & GPIO_bit(i))
>> test
>>>> should be removed.
>>>> No, absolutely not!
>>>> This will change the meaning of the
>>>> symbol!
>>> Only if you interpret KEEP_OUTPUT as an optional sleep
>> mode configuration.
>> That what the current implementation does and IMO, it is the
>> right thing.
>>>> I have a feeling that you are trying to solve a
>> problem that
>>>> does not exist!
>>> The problem is that MFP configurations of the form:
>>>      GPIO<n>_GPIO |
>>> will always set the sleep mode gpio direction to
>>> That is the case with corgi and would also be the case
>> with hx4700.
>>> That is the problem which needs to be solved.
>> Yes, it is just there is no h/w MFP in PXA2xx and all the
>> stuff done in s/w.
>> That is the reason it is a bit mess.
> It's more than a mess: it's broken, per the current corgi configuration.

Ok. Indeed it looks broken even with my meaning of KEEP_OUTPUT,
because of the line that sets all GPDRs to gpdr_lpm values in
pxa2xx_mfp_suspend() function.

>> IMO, the cleanest solution would be to have
>> GPIO<n>_GPIO_OUT for each
>> GPIO that needs to be configured as output instead of
>> breaking the
>> already fragile MFP logic.
> And similarly fix the corgi configuration.

Please, check the attached patch.
It should not change the meaning of KEEP_OUTPUT, but fix the bug.

[...] remove unreadable stuff...

>>>>> The feeling was that if the unit was charging
>> in normal
>>>> mode then it
>>>>> should remain charging in sleep mode, and if it
>> wasn't
>>>> then it should
>>>>> remain not charging.
>>>> Ok, finally we are talking about a real problem...
>>>> I see...
>>>> IMO, the best solution will be to add a generic
>>>> (as already proposed by Haojian) definition (where
>> x is the
>>>> required GPIO number)for your used GPIOs and use it
>> in MFP
>>>> config
>>>> structure for hx4700 along with
>>>> Another solution would be (though a bit hackish):
>>>> The above should work for you as you would expect -
>> will set
>>>> the GPIO
>>>> to be output low by default, then you will
>> reconfigure it to
>>>> the
>>>> appropriate level from your charger driver and the
>> new level
>>>> will be used
>>>> by the existing logic in pxa2xx_mfp_suspend().
>>> Those solutions are fair enough.
>>> Can we first answer the question of whether
>>> DRIVE_LOW are optional or mandatory sleep mode
>> configurations. That may
>>> determine the way forward.
>> Well for the DRIVE_HIGH and DRIVE_LOW, the names speak for
>> them selfs -
>> MultiFunctionalPin_LowPowerManager_DRIVE_<HIGH|LOW>
>> and there is no
>> questions arise.
>> For the MFP_LPM_KEEP_OUTPUT - is PXA2xx specific, apparently
>> it is
>> confusing and probably has to have a comment explaining the
>> meaning.
>> From git log:
>> ---------------cut---------------------
>> commit 1106143d7ab43ba07678c88c85417df219354ae8
>> Author: Eric Miao <eric.y.miao at gmail.com>
>> Date:   Mon Jan 11 21:25:15 2010 +0800
>>     [ARM] pxa: add MFP_LPM_KEEP_OUTPUT flag to pin
>> config
>>     Some pins are expected to keep their last
>> level during suspend, and
>>     introduce MFP_LPM_KEEP_OUTPUT for this.
>>     Signed-off-by: Eric Miao <eric.y.miao at gmail.com>
>> ---------------cut---------------------
>> The key words above are: "keep their last level".
> Which is exactly what would have happened with my patch, since all
> cases of KEEP_OUTPUT were indeed being applied to outputs only.

No, your patch will change also the inputs to outputs.
Because "last level" does not apply to input pins.

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