[PATCH v2 01/11] msm: Add CPU queries

David Brown davidb at codeaurora.org
Wed Jan 26 01:52:24 EST 2011

On Tue, Jan 25 2011, Stepan Moskovchenko wrote:

>> On Tue, Jan 25 2011, Zhaohui Wang wrote:
>>> Maybe it's not appropriate to cut in your discussion.
>> It's quite appropriate.
>>> Can anyone explain what's the difference between qsd8X50 and msm8x60?
>>> No msm8x50, right?
>> Well, they're just part numbers, and the numbering isn't all that
>> consistent over time:
>> http://www.qualcomm.com/products_services/chipsets/snapdragon.html
>> The first snapdragon device was calls a QSD (8250 and 8660).  They are
> David, I think you mean "8250 and 8650" here. QSD8250 and QSD8650 are
> identical as far as Linux is concerned, whereas MSM8660 is different,
> having two cores, etc.

Yes, thanks.


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