Known issues with amba-pl010.c driver?

H Hartley Sweeten hartleys at
Fri May 21 17:50:09 EDT 2010

On Friday, May 21, 2010 2:35 PM, Russell King wrote:
> On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 04:17:28PM -0500, H Hartley Sweeten wrote:
>> Hard to tell, but it is very noticeable just doing something like 'dmesg'
>> on the console.
>> I first get some random number of characters, anywhere from none to something
>> less than a full line (80 characters).  Then there is a noticeable pause.  This
>> is followed by some random length block of data, another pause, then the
>> remainder of the output.
>> I'm not sure if it will help but the 'dmesg' output on my system is 7,472
>> bytes.
>> It might have nothing to do with the pl010 driver itself.  I just don't know
>> where to start digging in the driver stack to figure out where the pauses are
>> coming from.
> I assume that this isn't a new problem, but something that's always
> happened?

Not really sure.  I have always used the serial port as a console and never really
noticed the problem.  But, now that I'm trying to actually use one of the ports
in a user app to send data it's very apparent.  That's when I noticed it on the
console also.

> The function in pl010 which loads the characters into the TX fifo is
> pl010_tx_chars().  Note that without XON/XOFF flow control,
> uap->port.x_char will always be zero.
> The loop which loads the FIFO is:
>         count = uap->port.fifosize >> 1;
>         do {
>                 writel(xmit->buf[xmit->tail], uap->port.membase + UART01x_DR);
>                 xmit->tail = (xmit->tail + 1) & (UART_XMIT_SIZE - 1);
>                 uap->port.icount.tx++;
>                 if (uart_circ_empty(xmit))
>                         break;
>         } while (--count > 0);
> and the thinking here is that the hardware gives us an interrupt when the
> FIFO drops below half-full, so we load the FIFO up with up to half the
> maximum number of characters at each interrupt.
> In the case of ARM's PL010, that's a 16 byte FIFO - but yours may be
> a different depth.  If it's smaller, the driver needs to know that so
> it doesn't overrun the FIFO.  I'd suggest ensuring that 'fifosize' is
> correct for your implementation.

The ep93xx pl010 uarts have 16 byte transmit and receive FIFOs.  Also, the 
interrupt does occur when the transmit FIFO is at least half empty.  I also
verified that the FIFOs are enabled.


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