Problem with non aligned DMA in usbnet on ARM

Matthieu CASTET matthieu.castet at
Thu Aug 12 13:08:57 EDT 2010

Martin Fuzzey a écrit :
>> We don't want to add support for this to DMA bounce.  DMA bounce is already
>> a pain in the backside and causes its own set of problems - please let it
>> die a long slow but quite death.
>> If you want to see the kind of pain dmabounce causes, look at this long
>> standing and as yet unsolved bug:
> Well I don't know the dmabounce code but why is using it likely to cause
> OOM problems (at least why more so than copying the buffer in the HCD or
> the usb core). In both cases there will be two copies of the buffer in
> memory which could I agree be a problem in memory constrained systems.
> But if we _do_ want to accept unaligned buffers from usb drivers I can't
> see  a way round that.
memmove is our friend :
the buffer allocated in usbnet got an offset.
All you have to do it remove this offset and memmove the data. That what 
I did [1], and why it is better to do it in usb driver.


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