Samsung S3C6410 / SmartQ / 2D acceleration / Xorg

Maurus Cuelenaere mcuelenaere at
Fri Sep 11 08:54:32 EDT 2009

Hi Harald, I also have a working 2.6.31 port to the SmartQ Q7 at 
(this was based on the patch SmartDevices gave to the Mer team, see )
>> >  I have a fairly decent SmartQ5/7 config and mach-smartq init file.  Much of
>> >  this work (that I can test) can be back ported to the smdk6410 (that I can't
>> >  test.:-)
> So you're hacking on the SmartQ devices?  I recently discovered that they exist and I was
> very intrigued in buying one.
> Maybe you can tell me if you or anyone else in the community that is hacking on
> those devices have yet figured out
> 1) where the testpads/connector for the serial console is
> 2) where the testpads/connector for the JTAG console is
At least for the Q7, I can confirm there are RX, TX, 3V and GND pins on 
the board itself (haven't tested them, but I'm pretty sure those are the 
UART pins). Don't know about JTAG. I've done some documentation at wrt the hardware internals of 
the Q7. Regards, Maurus Cuelenaere

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