Where do we place common Kconfig options between a "few" machine types?

Scott Branden sbranden at broadcom.com
Fri Oct 30 12:13:21 EDT 2009

Russell (or others),

We have a few Kconfig options that are shared between different machines.  Where do we place these Kconfig options?

It seems like others have placed these options in the arch/arm/Kconfig and then added depends on for their particular machine architectures.  This seems quite messy to me as the Kconfigs only apply to a few machines.

Does something like this make sense: place machine specific Kconfig settings in mach-bcmring, mach-bcm1234, mach-bcm5678 and then place the common settings in another Kconfig file in a "mach-bcmcommon" directory.  


The problem is mach-bcmcommon is not a machine type but just a place to keep these common settings out of the main arch/arm/Kconfig file.  Perhaps it needs a different name?

I don't know what the best solution is right now.  Should these "common" Kconfig settings go in arch/arm/Kconfig, arch/arm/mach-bcmcommon/Kconfig, or some other location?


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