[PATCH v2 1/3] clk: meson: Support PLL with fixed fractional denominators

Jerome Brunet jbrunet at baylibre.com
Mon Sep 9 00:40:18 PDT 2024

On Mon 09 Sep 2024 at 09:55, Chuan Liu <chuan.liu at amlogic.com> wrote:

> Sorry, I don't quite understand this one. Is it because you suggest keeping
> "(1 << pll->frac_max)" here, followed by "if" to determine whether to assign
> "pll->frac_max"?
> "unlikely" is used here. My idea is that it will be possible to determine
> the value
> of "frac_max" at compile time, which will result in one less "if" judgment
> and
> slightly improve drive performance.

I'll rephrase.

Please drop the 'unlikely()' call.

You may add that :
 * in a separate change
 * if you really really wish to
 * if you provide profiling numbers for the different supported
   platforms and PLLs, not just the one targeted by this patchset.

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