[PATCH] WIP: arm64: dts: meson: drop broadcom compatible from reference board SDIO nodes

Krzysztof Kozlowski krzysztof.kozlowski at linaro.org
Sun Nov 24 08:11:57 PST 2024

On 24/11/2024 09:34, Christian Hewitt wrote:
> Drop the Broadcom compatible and use a generic sdio identifier with the Amlogic

1. Heh, what? Why? This is not really explained and does not look
sensible at all.
2. What is "generioc sdio identifier"?

> reference boards. This allows a wider range of Android STB devices with QCA9377
> and RTL8189ES/FS chips to have working WiFi when booting from the reference dtb

Please wrap commit message according to Linux coding style / submission
process (neither too early nor over the limit):

> files. There is no observed impact on Broadcom devices.

So how does it allow wider range of devices to have working wifi?

Best regards,

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