[PATCH v15 0/6] add Amlogic A1 clock controller drivers

Jerome Brunet jbrunet at baylibre.com
Tue May 30 09:14:01 PDT 2023

On Wed 17 May 2023 at 16:33, Dmitry Rokosov <ddrokosov at sberdevices.ru> wrote:

> A1 SoC has four clock controllers on the board: PLL, Peripherals, CPU,
> and Audio. The audio clock controller is different from others, but the
> rest are very similar from a functional and regmap point of view.
> This patch series add support for Amlogic A1 PLL and Peripherals clock
> drivers.
> It blocks all A1 peripherals mainline support and a couple of patch series,
> which were already reviewed and acked, but weren't merged due to pending
> clock controller drivers series, e.g.
> https://lore.kernel.org/all/20230418111612.19479-1-ddrokosov@sberdevices.ru/
> TODO: CPU and Audio clock controllers are not included in this patch
> series, it will be sent later. The following clks from these controllers
> are not supported for now:
> * Audio clks - vad, mclk_vad, mclk_d, resample_a, locker_in, mclk_b,
>    pdmdclk, pdmsysclk, eqdrc, spdifin, mclk_a, audio2_toaudiotop,
>    audio2_tovad, audio2_toddr_vad, audio2_tdmin_vad, audio2_pdm,
>    audio2_ddr_arb, audio_audiolocker, audio_eqdrc, audio_resamplea,
>    audio_spdifin, audio_toddrb, audio_toddra, audio_frddrb, audio_frddra,
>    audio_tdmoutb, audio_tdmouta, audio_loopbacka, audio_tdminlb,
>    audio_tdminb, audio_tdmina, audio_ddr_arb, mclk_c
> * CPU clks: cpu_fixed_source_sel0, cpu_fixed_source_div0,
>             cpu_fixed_source_sel1, cpu_fixed_source_div1, cpu_clk
> Validation:
> * to double check all clk flags run below helper script:
>     pushd /sys/kernel/debug/clk
>     for f in *; do
>         if [[ -f "$f/clk_flags" ]]; then
>             flags="$(cat $f/clk_flags | awk '{$1=$1};1' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ | /g')"
>             echo -e "$f: $flags"
>         fi
>     done
>     popd
> * to trace current clks state use '/sys/kernel/debug/clk/clk_dump' node
>   with jq post-processing:
>     $ cat /sys/kernel/debug/clk/clk_dump | jq '.' > clk_dump.json
> * to debug clk rate propagation, compile kernel with the following
>   definition:
>     $ sed -i "s/undef CLOCK_ALLOW_WRITE_DEBUGFS/define CLOCK_ALLOW_WRITE_DEBUGFS/g" drivers/clk/clk.c
>   after that, clk_rate debug node for each clock will be available for
>   write operation

Applied, Thx

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