[PATCH v1] mtd: rawnand: meson: fix bitmask for length in command word

Tudor Ambarus tudor.ambarus at linaro.org
Wed Mar 29 01:20:14 PDT 2023

On 3/29/23 09:17, Dmitry Rokosov wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 29, 2023 at 09:31:45AM +0200, Miquel Raynal wrote:
>> Hello,
>> avkrasnov at sberdevices.ru wrote on Wed, 29 Mar 2023 10:12:10 +0300:
>>> On 28.03.2023 23:25, Martin Blumenstingl wrote:
>>>> Hi Arseniy,
>>>> On Tue, Mar 28, 2023 at 8:39 PM Arseniy Krasnov
>>>> <avkrasnov at sberdevices.ru> wrote:
>>>> [...]  
>>>>>> By the way any reason not to have Cc'ed stable?  
>>>>> Sorry, what do You mean? I've included linux-mtd mailing lists, there is
>>>>> one more list for mtd reviews? I will appreciate if You can point me  
>>>> "stable" typically refers to the stable tree where fixes for already
>>>> released kernel versions are maintained.
>>>> When Miquel applies the patch it will either land in the next -rc of
>>>> the current development cycle (typically applies to fixes - currently
>>>> 6.3-rc5) or -rc1 of the next kernel version (typically applies to new
>>>> features, cleanups, etc. - currently 6.4-rc1).
>>>> Let's say you are fixing a bug now but want the fix to be included in
>>>> 6.1 LTS (long term stable) or other stable release.
>>>> In this case it's recommended to Cc the maintainers of the stable
>>>> trees as part of your patch, see [0].
>>>> That way once the commit with your fix hits Linus Torvalds linux tree
>>>> it will be backported by the stable team within a few days (assuming
>>>> of course that the patch applies cleanly to older versions, if not
>>>> they're notifying you).
>>>> Note: even without Cc'ing the stable maintainers your commit may be
>>>> backported (semi-automatically) if it has a Fixes tag and the stable
>>>> maintainers find your commit. But my understanding is that it's
>>>> easiest for them if they're explicitly Cc'ed on the patch.
>>>> I hope this makes sense. If not: don't hesitate to ask.  
>> That is an excellent summary, I should copy/paste it sometimes :)
> Finally I fully understand why 'Fixes' tag is so helpful!
> Thank you Martin!

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