amlogic-meson-g12b USB does not work

Федоров Григорий elektromonder at
Sat Jul 31 06:09:34 PDT 2021

Hi Neil! I do not have access to the source code of the vendor kernel. But there are free source code for this box, in which the USB works:
I want to show you the differences in the DTS file of Coreelek and the mainline Linux.
Coreelek x88king dts:usb2phy at ffe09000 {
                compatible = "amlogic, amlogic-new-usb2-v2";
                status = "okay";
                reg = <0x00 0xffe09000 0x00 0x80 0x00 0xffd01008 0x00 0x100 0x00 0xff636000 0x00 0x2000 0x00 0xff63a000 0x00 0x2000>;
                pll-setting-1 = <0x9400414>;
                pll-setting-2 = <0x927e0000>;
                pll-setting-3 = <0xac5f69e5>;
                pll-setting-4 = <0xfe18>;
                pll-setting-5 = <0x8000fff>;
                pll-setting-6 = <0x78000>;
                pll-setting-7 = <0xe0004>;
                pll-setting-8 = <0xe000c>;
                portnum = <0x02>;
                phandle = <0x19>;
linux mainline meson-g12b-s922x dts:

usb at ffe09000 {
                        status = "okay";
                        compatible = "amlogic,meson-g12a-usb-ctrl";
                        reg = <0x00 0xffe09000 0x00 0xa0>;
                        interrupts = <0x00 0x10 0x04>;
                        #address-cells = <0x02>;
                        #size-cells = <0x02>;
                        clocks = <0x02 0x2f>;
                        resets = <0x05 0x22>;
                        dr_mode = "host";
                        phys = <0x44 0x45 0x06 0x04>;
                        phy-names = "usb2-phy0\0usb2-phy1\0usb3-phy0";
                        vbus-supply = <0x46>;
What is Pll-Setting? What rows of code relative to the USB drivers need to port from the Coreelek source, so that the USB driver is works in the main line Linux? Please pay attention to this problem, this board is very in demand, it turned out great potential in it, it should be revealed, giving it the opportunity to operate the core Linux mainline.

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