[PATCH] Remove hardcoded static string length
Andrew Lunn
andrew at lunn.ch
Wed May 24 10:43:11 PDT 2023
On Wed, May 24, 2023 at 01:02:36PM -0400, Kenny Ho wrote:
> On Wed, May 24, 2023 at 12:02 PM Andrew Lunn <andrew at lunn.ch> wrote:
> > So the compiler warning/error needs to be fixed a different want.
> Understood. Would caping the length at iov_len with a ternary be sufficient?
The quoted text said 'string'. It is not clear if that means c-string,
with a trailing \0. If you just cap iov_len you could end up with a
string which is not terminated.
The other end of the socket should not blow up, because that would be
an obvious DOS or buffer overwrite attack vector. So you need to
decide, do you want to expose such issues and see if anything does
actually blow up, or do you want to do a bit more work and correctly
terminate the string when capped?
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