kafs-client updates

Bill MacAllister bill at ca-zephyr.org
Mon Jan 9 01:25:45 PST 2023

A version of kafs-client that includes Spencer's and Chaskiel's changes
has just hit Debian testing.  Since that version I have made a couple
more cosmetic changes to error messaging in aklog-kafs and added
default cell processing to kafs-preload.  I have also converted all
of the man pages to POD and updated the Debian build process to
generate the man pages as part of package building.  I have just
requested that the latest changes be uploaded to Debian.

My work has been mostly with the Debian package by just adding
quilt patches to the 0.5 upstream version.  This is not ideal for
anyone working to build Redhat versions.  I have cloned David's
repository and pushed it to github as kafs-client-upstream and I
have applied our (Spencer, Chaskiel's, and my) patches to the
branch cli-pod-updates.

It would really be helpful at this point if we could get these
patches merged into upstream.  David, let me know if you want me
to generate a pull request.  (Note, I have only done that once
or twice and likely won't do it correct the first time.)

I have been manually testing with local builds.  I plan to
create Debian packages of this new work for Buster, Bullseye,
and Bookworm and uploaded them to my public repo.  I send
another note when the backported packages are available.

And, of course, let me hear any comments or complaints.



"Can't sing louder than the guns when I'm gone,
so I guess I'll have to do it while I'm here."
Phil Ochs

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