[PATCH net 0/3] rxrpc: Timeout handling fixes

patchwork-bot+netdevbpf at kernel.org patchwork-bot+netdevbpf at kernel.org
Sun Apr 30 23:50:19 PDT 2023


This series was applied to netdev/net.git (main)
by David S. Miller <davem at davemloft.net>:

On Fri, 28 Apr 2023 21:27:53 +0100 you wrote:
> Here are three patches to fix timeouts handling in AF_RXRPC:
>  (1) The hard call timeout should be interpreted in seconds, not
>      milliseconds.
>  (2) Allow a waiting call to be aborted (thereby cancelling the call) in
>      the case a signal interrupts sendmsg() and leaves it hanging until it
>      is granted a channel on a connection.
> [...]

Here is the summary with links:
  - [net,1/3] rxrpc: Fix hard call timeout units
  - [net,2/3] rxrpc: Make it so that a waiting process can be aborted
  - [net,3/3] rxrpc: Fix timeout of a call that hasn't yet been granted a channel

You are awesome, thank you!
Deet-doot-dot, I am a bot.

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