libertas error message

McPherson, Charles A Charles_McPherson at
Tue Aug 28 19:44:36 EDT 2012

Hello everyone,

I am running a Texas Instruments OMAP3530 applications processor with the Marvell 88W8686.  The system is an Overo Fire from Gumstix, in case you've heard of it.  We are running it with the Angstrom distribution.  Basically, we have a system that is designed to gather data, and then transmit it over a wireless network to a host computer.  The problem is that after a while, I get this series of messages over and over again from libertas.

libertas: re questing command 0x0000 due to timeout (#1)
libertas: Received CMD_RESP with invalid sequence 1212 (expected 0)
libertas: command 0x0000 timed out
libertas: re questing command 0x0000 due to timeout (#2)
libertas: Received CMD_RESP with invalid sequence 1212 (expected 0)
libertas: command 0x0000 timed out
libertas: re questing command 0x0000 due to timeout (#3)
libertas: Received CMD_RESP with invalid sequence 1212 (expected 0)
libertas: command 0x0000 timed out
libertas: Excessive timeouts submitting command 0x0000
libertas: Received CMD_RESP with invalid sequence 1212 (expected 0)
libertas: command 0x0000 timed out

Have any of you seen this kind of thing before, or do you have any ideas what could be causing it?  Any suggestions could prove to be helpful.

Thank you,

Charles McPherson, Jr.

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