Problem with Marvell SD8686 with Linux-2.6.29

Ivan Li lijinlei1 at
Wed Oct 20 22:35:56 EDT 2010

Hi Dan,

Below is the libertas debug messages. It is a little bit large:
root at onyx ~$ wpa_supplicant -Dwext -ieth0 -c/etc/wpa.conf
libertas enter: lbs_set_mode()
libertas enter: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas wext: Switching to mode: 0x2
libertas leave: lbs_set_mode(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_get_range()
libertas enter: copy_active_data_rates()
libertas leave: copy_active_data_rates()
libertas wext: IW_MAX_BITRATES 32, num_bitrates 12
libertas wext: IW_MAX_FREQUENCIES 32, num_frequency 14
libertas leave: lbs_get_range()
libertas enter: lbs_set_auth()
libertas enter: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_set_auth(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_set_encodeext()
libertas enter: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas enter: disable_wep()
libertas leave: disable_wep()
libertas enter: disable_wpa()
libertas leave: disable_wpa()
libertas leave: lbs_set_encodeext(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_set_encodeext()
libertas enter: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas enter: disable_wep()
libertas leave: disable_wep()
libertas enter: disable_wpa()
libertas leave: disable_wpa()
libertas leave: lbs_set_encodeext(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_set_encodeext()
libertas enter: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas enter: disable_wep()
libertas leave: disable_wep()
libertas enter: disable_wpa()
libertas leave: disable_wpa()
libertas leave: lbs_set_encodeext(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_set_encodeext()
libertas enter: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas enter: disable_wep()
libertas leave: disable_wep()
libertas enter: disable_wpa()
libertas leave: disable_wpa()
libertas leave: lbs_set_encodeext(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_set_auth()
libertas enter: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_set_auth(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_set_auth()
libertas enter: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_set_auth(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_get_scan()
libertas leave: lbs_get_scan(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_set_scan()
libertas leave: lbs_set_scan(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_scan_worker()
libertas enter: lbs_scan_networks(full_scan 0)
libertas scan: numchannels 4, bsstype 3
libertas scan: chan_count 14, scan_channel -1
libertas scan: scanning 4 of 14 channels
libertas enter: lbs_do_scan(bsstype 3, chanlist[].chan 1, chan_count 4)
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas cmd: DNLD_CMD: command 0x0006, seq 7, size 63
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card(type 1, bytes 63)
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 2
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas enter: if_sdio_interrupt()
libertas sdio: interrupt: 0x2
libertas enter: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas leave: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas leave: if_sdio_interrupt(), ret 0
libertas enter: if_sdio_interrupt()
libertas sdio: interrupt: 0x1
libertas enter: if_sdio_card_to_host()
libertas sdio: packet of type 1 and size 15 bytes
libertas enter: if_sdio_handle_cmd()
libertas enter: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: if_sdio_handle_cmd(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_card_to_host(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_interrupt(), ret 0
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas cmd: CMD_RESP: response 0x8006, seq 7, size 11
libertas enter: lbs_ret_80211_scan()
libertas scan: SCAN_RESP: bssdescriptsize 0
libertas scan: SCAN_RESP: scan results 0
libertas leave: lbs_ret_80211_scan(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas leave: lbs_do_scan(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_scan_networks(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_scan_worker()
libertas enter: lbs_association_worker()
libertas assoc: Association Request:
    flags:     0x00000750
    SSID:      ''
    chann:     1
    band:      0
    mode:      2
    BSSID:     00:00:00:00:00:00
    auth_mode: 1
libertas enter: assoc_helper_mode()
libertas leave: assoc_helper_mode(), ret 0
libertas enter: assoc_helper_wep_keys()
libertas enter: lbs_cmd_802_11_set_wep()
libertas cmd: SET_WEP: remove key 0
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas cmd: DNLD_CMD: command 0x0013, seq 8, size 80
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card(type 1, bytes 80)
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 2
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas enter: if_sdio_interrupt()
libertas sdio: interrupt: 0x3
libertas enter: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas leave: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas enter: if_sdio_card_to_host()
libertas sdio: packet of type 1 and size 84 bytes
libertas enter: if_sdio_handle_cmd()
libertas enter: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: if_sdio_handle_cmd(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_card_to_host(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_interrupt(), ret 0
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas cmd: CMD_RESP: response 0x8013, seq 8, size 80
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas leave: lbs_cmd_802_11_set_wep(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_set_mac_control()
libertas enter: lbs_cmd_async()
libertas leave: lbs_cmd_async()
libertas leave: lbs_set_mac_control()
libertas leave: assoc_helper_wep_keys(), ret 0
libertas enter: assoc_helper_secinfo()
libertas enter: lbs_set_mac_control()
libertas enter: lbs_cmd_async()
libertas leave: lbs_cmd_async()
libertas leave: lbs_set_mac_control()
libertas enter: lbs_cmd_802_11_enable_rsn()
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas cmd: DNLD_CMD: command 0x0028, seq 9, size 12
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card(type 1, bytes 12)
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 2
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas enter: if_sdio_interrupt()
libertas sdio: interrupt: 0x3
libertas enter: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas leave: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas enter: if_sdio_card_to_host()
libertas sdio: packet of type 1 and size 16 bytes
libertas enter: if_sdio_handle_cmd()
libertas enter: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: if_sdio_handle_cmd(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_card_to_host(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_interrupt(), ret 0
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas cmd: CMD_RESP: response 0x8028, seq 9, size 12
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas cmd: DNLD_CMD: command 0x0028, seq 10, size 12
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card(type 1, bytes 12)
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 2
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas enter: if_sdio_interrupt()
libertas sdio: interrupt: 0x3
libertas enter: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas leave: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas enter: if_sdio_card_to_host()
libertas sdio: packet of type 1 and size 16 bytes
libertas enter: if_sdio_handle_cmd()
libertas enter: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: if_sdio_handle_cmd(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_card_to_host(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_interrupt(), ret 0
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas cmd: CMD_RESP: response 0x8028, seq 10, size 12
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas cmd: DNLD_CMD: command 0x002f, seq 11, size 12
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card(type 1, bytes 12)
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 2
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas enter: if_sdio_interrupt()
libertas sdio: interrupt: 0x3
libertas enter: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas leave: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas enter: if_sdio_card_to_host()
libertas sdio: packet of type 1 and size 16 bytes
libertas enter: if_sdio_handle_cmd()
libertas enter: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: if_sdio_handle_cmd(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_card_to_host(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_interrupt(), ret 0
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas cmd: CMD_RESP: response 0x802f, seq 11, size 12
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas leave: lbs_cmd_802_11_enable_rsn(), ret 0
libertas leave: assoc_helper_secinfo(), ret 0
libertas enter: assoc_helper_wpa_keys()
libertas enter: lbs_cmd_802_11_key_material()
libertas enter: set_one_wpa_key()
libertas leave: set_one_wpa_key()
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas cmd: DNLD_CMD: command 0x005e, seq 12, size 52
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card(type 1, bytes 52)
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 2
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas enter: if_sdio_interrupt()
libertas sdio: interrupt: 0x3
libertas enter: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas leave: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas enter: if_sdio_card_to_host()
libertas sdio: packet of type 1 and size 56 bytes
libertas enter: if_sdio_handle_cmd()
libertas enter: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: if_sdio_handle_cmd(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_card_to_host(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_interrupt(), ret 0
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas cmd: CMD_RESP: response 0x805e, seq 12, size 52
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas leave: lbs_cmd_802_11_key_material(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_cmd_802_11_key_material()
libertas enter: set_one_wpa_key()
libertas leave: set_one_wpa_key()
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas cmd: DNLD_CMD: command 0x005e, seq 13, size 52
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card(type 1, bytes 52)
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 2
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas enter: if_sdio_interrupt()
libertas sdio: interrupt: 0x3
libertas enter: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas leave: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas enter: if_sdio_card_to_host()
libertas sdio: packet of type 1 and size 56 bytes
libertas enter: if_sdio_handle_cmd()
libertas enter: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: if_sdio_handle_cmd(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_card_to_host(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_interrupt(), ret 0
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas cmd: CMD_RESP: response 0x805e, seq 13, size 52
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas leave: lbs_cmd_802_11_key_material(), ret 0
libertas leave: assoc_helper_wpa_keys(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_association_worker()
libertas enter: lbs_scan_worker()
libertas enter: lbs_scan_networks(full_scan 0)
libertas scan: numchannels 4, bsstype 3
libertas scan: chan_count 14, scan_channel 4
libertas scan: scanning 4 of 10 channels
libertas enter: lbs_do_scan(bsstype 3, chanlist[].chan 5, chan_count 4)
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas cmd: DNLD_CMD: command 0x0006, seq 14, size 63
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card(type 1, bytes 63)
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 2
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas enter: if_sdio_interrupt()
libertas sdio: interrupt: 0x2
libertas enter: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas leave: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas leave: if_sdio_interrupt(), ret 0
libertas enter: if_sdio_interrupt()
libertas sdio: interrupt: 0x1
libertas enter: if_sdio_card_to_host()
libertas sdio: packet of type 1 and size 653 bytes
libertas enter: if_sdio_handle_cmd()
libertas enter: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: if_sdio_handle_cmd(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_card_to_host(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_interrupt(), ret 0
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas cmd: CMD_RESP: response 0x8006, seq 14, size 649
libertas enter: lbs_ret_80211_scan()
libertas scan: SCAN_RESP: bssdescriptsize 618
libertas scan: SCAN_RESP: scan results 2
libertas enter: lbs_process_bss()
libertas scan: process_bss: BSSID c8:3a:35:4c:a2:e0
libertas scan: process_bss: RSSI 73
libertas scan: process_bss: capabilities 0x0401
libertas scan: process_bss: IE len 356
libertas scan: got SSID IE: 'Onyx3', len 5
libertas scan: got RATES IE
libertas scan: got DS IE, channel 6
libertas scan: got IE 0x002a, len 1
libertas scan: got RATESEX IE
libertas scan: got IE 0x002d, len 26
libertas scan: got IE 0x003d, len 22
libertas scan: got IE 0x003e, len 1
libertas scan: got generic IE: 00:50:f2:02, len 24
libertas scan: got IE 0x000b, len 5
libertas scan: got IE 0x007f, len 1
libertas scan: got generic IE: 00:0c:43:04, len 7
libertas scan: got COUNTRY IE
libertas scan: got generic IE: 00:90:4c:33, len 30
libertas scan: got generic IE: 00:90:4c:34, len 26
libertas scan: got generic IE: 00:50:f2:04, len 157
libertas leave: lbs_process_bss(), ret 0
libertas scan: SCAN_RESP: BSSID c8:3a:35:4c:a2:e0
libertas enter: lbs_process_bss()
libertas scan: process_bss: BSSID 00:22:b0:9b:2d:ad
libertas scan: process_bss: RSSI 75
libertas scan: process_bss: capabilities 0x0431
libertas scan: process_bss: WEP enabled
libertas scan: process_bss: IE len 220
libertas scan: got SSID IE: 'tiger', len 5
libertas scan: got RATES IE
libertas scan: got DS IE, channel 6
libertas scan: got RSN IE
libertas scan: got WPA IE
libertas scan: got IE 0x002a, len 1
libertas scan: got RATESEX IE
libertas scan: got generic IE: 00:03:7f:01, len 9
libertas scan: got generic IE: 00:50:f2:05, len 5
libertas scan: got generic IE: 00:50:f2:04, len 117
libertas leave: lbs_process_bss(), ret 0
libertas scan: SCAN_RESP: BSSID 00:22:b0:9b:2d:ad
libertas leave: lbs_ret_80211_scan(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas leave: lbs_do_scan(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_scan_networks(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_scan_worker()
libertas enter: lbs_scan_worker()
libertas enter: lbs_scan_networks(full_scan 0)
libertas scan: numchannels 4, bsstype 3
libertas scan: chan_count 14, scan_channel 8
libertas scan: scanning 4 of 6 channels
libertas enter: lbs_do_scan(bsstype 3, chanlist[].chan 9, chan_count 4)
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas cmd: DNLD_CMD: command 0x0006, seq 15, size 63
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card(type 1, bytes 63)
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 2
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas enter: if_sdio_interrupt()
libertas sdio: interrupt: 0x2
libertas enter: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas leave: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas leave: if_sdio_interrupt(), ret 0
libertas enter: if_sdio_interrupt()
libertas sdio: interrupt: 0x1
libertas enter: if_sdio_card_to_host()
libertas sdio: packet of type 1 and size 195 bytes
libertas enter: if_sdio_handle_cmd()
libertas enter: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: if_sdio_handle_cmd(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_card_to_host(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_interrupt(), ret 0
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas cmd: CMD_RESP: response 0x8006, seq 15, size 191
libertas enter: lbs_ret_80211_scan()
libertas scan: SCAN_RESP: bssdescriptsize 160
libertas scan: SCAN_RESP: scan results 2
libertas enter: lbs_process_bss()
libertas scan: process_bss: BSSID 00:15:70:e8:6d:d0
libertas scan: process_bss: RSSI 85
libertas scan: process_bss: capabilities 0x0011
libertas scan: process_bss: WEP enabled
libertas scan: process_bss: IE len 64
libertas scan: got SSID IE: 'guardait', len 8
libertas scan: got RATES IE
libertas scan: got DS IE, channel 11
libertas scan: got COUNTRY IE
libertas scan: got IE 0x000b, len 5
libertas scan: got IE 0x002a, len 1
libertas scan: got RATESEX IE
libertas scan: got IE 0x00ad, len 15
libertas leave: lbs_process_bss(), ret 0
libertas scan: SCAN_RESP: BSSID 00:15:70:e8:6d:d0
libertas enter: lbs_process_bss()
libertas scan: process_bss: BSSID 00:1b:2f:0e:83:c2
libertas scan: process_bss: RSSI 80
libertas scan: process_bss: capabilities 0x0431
libertas scan: process_bss: WEP enabled
libertas scan: process_bss: IE len 54
libertas scan: got SSID IE: 'AUSBIO', len 6
libertas scan: got RATES IE
libertas scan: got DS IE, channel 11
libertas scan: got IE 0x002a, len 1
libertas scan: got RATESEX IE
libertas scan: got WPA IE
libertas leave: lbs_process_bss(), ret 0
libertas scan: SCAN_RESP: BSSID 00:1b:2f:0e:83:c2
libertas leave: lbs_ret_80211_scan(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas leave: lbs_do_scan(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_scan_networks(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_scan_worker()
libertas enter: lbs_scan_worker()
libertas enter: lbs_scan_networks(full_scan 0)
libertas scan: numchannels 4, bsstype 3
libertas scan: chan_count 14, scan_channel 12
libertas scan: scanning 2 of 2 channels
libertas enter: lbs_do_scan(bsstype 3, chanlist[].chan 13, chan_count 2)
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas cmd: DNLD_CMD: command 0x0006, seq 16, size 49
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card(type 1, bytes 49)
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 2
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas enter: if_sdio_interrupt()
libertas sdio: interrupt: 0x2
libertas enter: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas leave: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas leave: if_sdio_interrupt(), ret 0
libertas enter: if_sdio_interrupt()
libertas sdio: interrupt: 0x1
libertas enter: if_sdio_card_to_host()
libertas sdio: packet of type 1 and size 15 bytes
libertas enter: if_sdio_handle_cmd()
libertas enter: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: if_sdio_handle_cmd(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_card_to_host(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_interrupt(), ret 0
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas cmd: CMD_RESP: response 0x8006, seq 16, size 11
libertas enter: lbs_ret_80211_scan()
libertas scan: SCAN_RESP: bssdescriptsize 0
libertas scan: SCAN_RESP: scan results 0
libertas leave: lbs_ret_80211_scan(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas leave: lbs_do_scan(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_scan_networks(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_scan_worker()
libertas enter: lbs_get_scan()
libertas enter: lbs_translate_scan()
libertas leave: lbs_translate_scan(), start c74a10a9
libertas enter: lbs_translate_scan()
libertas leave: lbs_translate_scan(), start c74a1198
libertas enter: lbs_translate_scan()
libertas leave: lbs_translate_scan(), start c74a1244
libertas enter: lbs_translate_scan()
libertas leave: lbs_translate_scan(), start c74a130e
libertas leave: lbs_get_scan(), ret 0
Trying to associate with 00:22:b0:9b:2d:ad (SSIDlibertas enter: lbs_set_mode()
='tiger' freq=2437 MHz)
libertas enter: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas wext: Switching to mode: 0x2
libertas leave: lbs_set_mode(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_set_auth()
libertas enter: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_set_auth(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_set_auth()
libertas enter: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_set_auth(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_set_genie()
libertas enter: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_set_genie(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_set_auth()
libertas enter: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_set_auth(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_set_auth()
libertas enter: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_set_auth(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_set_auth()
libertas enter: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_set_auth(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_set_auth()
libertas enter: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_set_auth(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_set_auth()
libertas enter: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_set_auth(), ret -95
libertas enter: lbs_set_auth()
libertas enter: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_set_auth(), ret -95
libertas enter: lbs_set_freq()
libertas enter: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_set_freq(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_set_essid()
libertas wext: requested SSID 'tiger'
libertas enter: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_set_essid(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_set_wap()
libertas wext: ASSOC: WAP: sa_data 00:22:b0:9b:2d:ad
libertas enter: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_get_association_request()
Association request to the driver failed
libertas enter: lbs_association_worker()
libertas assoc: Association Request:
    flags:     0x00000c36
    SSID:      'tiger'
    chann:     6
    band:      0
    mode:      2
    BSSID:     00:22:b0:9b:2d:ad
    secinfo:   WPA
    auth_mode: 1
libertas enter: assoc_helper_mode()
libertas leave: assoc_helper_mode(), ret 0
libertas enter: assoc_helper_channel()
libertas enter: lbs_update_channel()
libertas enter: lbs_get_channel()
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas cmd: DNLD_CMD: command 0x001d, seq 17, size 48
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card(type 1, bytes 48)
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 2
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas enter: if_sdio_interrupt()
libertas sdio: interrupt: 0x3
libertas enter: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas leave: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas enter: if_sdio_card_to_host()
libertas sdio: packet of type 1 and size 52 bytes
libertas enter: if_sdio_handle_cmd()
libertas enter: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: if_sdio_handle_cmd(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_card_to_host(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_interrupt(), ret 0
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas cmd: CMD_RESP: response 0x801d, seq 17, size 48
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas cmd: current radio channel is 1
libertas leave: lbs_get_channel(), ret 1
libertas leave: lbs_update_channel(), ret 0
libertas assoc: ASSOC: channel: 1 -> 6
libertas enter: lbs_set_channel()
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas cmd: DNLD_CMD: command 0x001d, seq 18, size 48
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card(type 1, bytes 48)
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 2
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas enter: if_sdio_interrupt()
libertas sdio: interrupt: 0x3
libertas enter: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas leave: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas enter: if_sdio_card_to_host()
libertas sdio: packet of type 1 and size 52 bytes
libertas enter: if_sdio_handle_cmd()
libertas enter: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: if_sdio_handle_cmd(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_card_to_host(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_interrupt(), ret 0
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas cmd: CMD_RESP: response 0x801d, seq 18, size 48
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas cmd: channel switch from 1 to 6
libertas leave: lbs_set_channel(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_update_channel()
libertas enter: lbs_get_channel()
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas cmd: DNLD_CMD: command 0x001d, seq 19, size 48
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card(type 1, bytes 48)
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 2
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas enter: if_sdio_interrupt()
libertas sdio: interrupt: 0x3
libertas enter: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas leave: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas enter: if_sdio_card_to_host()
libertas sdio: packet of type 1 and size 52 bytes
libertas enter: if_sdio_handle_cmd()
libertas enter: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: if_sdio_handle_cmd(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_card_to_host(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_interrupt(), ret 0
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas cmd: CMD_RESP: response 0x801d, seq 19, size 48
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas cmd: current radio channel is 6
libertas leave: lbs_get_channel(), ret 6
libertas leave: lbs_update_channel(), ret 0
libertas leave: assoc_helper_channel(), ret 0
libertas enter: assoc_helper_secinfo()
libertas enter: lbs_set_mac_control()
libertas enter: lbs_cmd_async()
libertas leave: lbs_cmd_async()
libertas leave: lbs_set_mac_control()
libertas enter: lbs_cmd_802_11_enable_rsn()
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas cmd: DNLD_CMD: command 0x0028, seq 20, size 12
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card(type 1, bytes 12)
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 2
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas enter: if_sdio_interrupt()
libertas sdio: interrupt: 0x3
libertas enter: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas leave: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas enter: if_sdio_card_to_host()
libertas sdio: packet of type 1 and size 16 bytes
libertas enter: if_sdio_handle_cmd()
libertas enter: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: if_sdio_handle_cmd(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_card_to_host(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_interrupt(), ret 0
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas cmd: CMD_RESP: response 0x8028, seq 20, size 12
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas cmd: DNLD_CMD: command 0x002f, seq 21, size 12
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card(type 1, bytes 12)
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 2
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas enter: if_sdio_interrupt()
libertas sdio: interrupt: 0x3
libertas enter: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas leave: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas enter: if_sdio_card_to_host()
libertas sdio: packet of type 1 and size 16 bytes
libertas enter: if_sdio_handle_cmd()
libertas enter: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: if_sdio_handle_cmd(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_card_to_host(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_interrupt(), ret 0
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas cmd: CMD_RESP: response 0x802f, seq 21, size 12
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas leave: lbs_cmd_802_11_enable_rsn(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_cmd_802_11_enable_rsn()
libertas cmd: ENABLE_RSN: 1
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas cmd: DNLD_CMD: command 0x002f, seq 22, size 12
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card(type 1, bytes 12)
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 2
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas enter: if_sdio_interrupt()
libertas sdio: interrupt: 0x3
libertas enter: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas leave: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas enter: if_sdio_card_to_host()
libertas sdio: packet of type 1 and size 16 bytes
libertas enter: if_sdio_handle_cmd()
libertas enter: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: if_sdio_handle_cmd(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_card_to_host(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_interrupt(), ret 0
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas cmd: CMD_RESP: response 0x802f, seq 22, size 12
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas leave: lbs_cmd_802_11_enable_rsn(), ret 0
libertas leave: assoc_helper_secinfo(), ret 0
libertas enter: assoc_helper_wpa_ie()
libertas leave: assoc_helper_wpa_ie(), ret 0
libertas enter: assoc_helper_associate()
libertas enter: assoc_helper_bssid(BSSID 00:22:b0:9b:2d:ad)
libertas enter: lbs_find_bssid_in_list()
libertas enter: is_network_compatible()
libertas scan: is_network_compatible() WPA: wpa_ie 0xdd wpa2_ie 0x30 WEP d WPA e WPA2 d privacy 0x10
libertas leave: is_network_compatible(), matched: 1
libertas leave: lbs_find_bssid_in_list(), found_bss c75301f0
libertas enter: lbs_try_associate()
libertas enter: lbs_set_radio()
libertas cmd: RADIO_CONTROL: radio ON, preamble 2
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas cmd: DNLD_CMD: command 0x001c, seq 23, size 12
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card(type 1, bytes 12)
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 2
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas enter: if_sdio_interrupt()
libertas sdio: interrupt: 0x3
libertas enter: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas leave: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas enter: if_sdio_card_to_host()
libertas sdio: packet of type 1 and size 16 bytes
libertas enter: if_sdio_handle_cmd()
libertas enter: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: if_sdio_handle_cmd(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_card_to_host(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_interrupt(), ret 0
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas cmd: CMD_RESP: response 0x801c, seq 23, size 12
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas leave: lbs_set_radio(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_associate()
libertas assoc: ASSOC_CMD: capability 0x0431
libertas join: TX data rate 0x00
libertas assoc: ASSOC_CMD: num rates 12
libertas join: AUTH_CMD: BSSID 00:22:b0:9b:2d:ad, auth 0x1
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas cmd: DNLD_CMD: command 0x0050, seq 24, size 93
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card(type 1, bytes 93)
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 2
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas enter: if_sdio_interrupt()
libertas sdio: interrupt: 0x2
libertas enter: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas leave: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas leave: if_sdio_interrupt(), ret 0
libertas enter: if_sdio_interrupt()
libertas sdio: interrupt: 0x1
libertas enter: if_sdio_card_to_host()
libertas sdio: packet of type 1 and size 45 bytes
libertas enter: if_sdio_handle_cmd()
libertas enter: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: if_sdio_handle_cmd(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_card_to_host(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_interrupt(), ret 0
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas cmd: CMD_RESP: response 0x8012, seq 24, size 41
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 1, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas enter: lbs_assoc_post()
libertas assoc: ASSOC_RESP: failure reason 0x00
libertas leave: lbs_assoc_post(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_associate(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_try_associate(), ret 0
libertas assoc: ASSOC: lbs_try_associate(bssid) returned 0
libertas leave: assoc_helper_bssid(), ret 0
libertas leave: assoc_helper_associate(), ret 0
libertas assoc: associated to 00:22:b0:9b:2d:ad
libertas enter: lbs_cmd_802_11_rssi()
libertas leave: lbs_cmd_802_11_rssi()
libertas enter: lbs_get_wap()
libertas leave: lbs_get_wap()
Associated with 00:22:b0:9b:2d:ad
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas cmd: DNLD_CMD: command 0x001f, seq 25, size 16
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card(type 1, bytes 16)
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 2
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 0, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas enter: if_sdio_interrupt()
libertas sdio: interrupt: 0x3
libertas enter: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas leave: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas enter: if_sdio_card_to_host()
libertas sdio: packet of type 0 and size 145 bytes
libertas enter: if_sdio_handle_data()
libertas leave: if_sdio_handle_data(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_card_to_host(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_interrupt(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_get_essid()
libertas leave: lbs_get_essid()
libertas enter: lbs_get_wap()
libertas leave: lbs_get_wap()
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card(type 0, bytes 161)
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card(), ret 0
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 1
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 0, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas enter: if_sdio_interrupt()
libertas sdio: interrupt: 0x3
libertas enter: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas leave: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas enter: if_sdio_card_to_host()
libertas sdio: packet of type 1 and size 20 bytes
libertas enter: if_sdio_handle_cmd()
libertas enter: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: lbs_notify_command_response()
libertas leave: if_sdio_handle_cmd(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_card_to_host(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_interrupt(), ret 0
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas cmd: CMD_RESP: response 0x801f, seq 25, size 16
libertas enter: lbs_ret_802_11_rssi()
libertas cmd: RSSI: beacon 185, avg 0
libertas leave: lbs_ret_802_11_rssi()
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 0, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas leave: lbs_association_worker()
libertas enter: lbs_set_wap()
libertas wext: ASSOC: WAP: sa_data 00:00:00:00:00:00
Authentication with 00:22:b0:9b:2d:ad timed out.libertas enter: lbs_get_association_request()

ioctl[SIOCSIWMLME]: Operation not supported
libertas leave: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas enter: lbs_set_essid()
libertas wext: requested SSID 'gÆisQÿJì)ͺ«òûãF|ÂTø\03'
libertas enter: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_set_essid(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_set_scan()
libertas leave: lbs_set_scan(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_scan_worker()
libertas enter: lbs_scan_networks(full_scan 0)
libertas scan: numchannels 4, bsstype 3
libertas scan: chan_count 14, scan_channel -1
libertas scan: scanning 4 of 14 channels
libertas enter: lbs_do_scan(bsstype 3, chanlist[].chan 1, chan_count 4)
libertas thread: 2: currenttxskb (null), dnld_send 0
libertas thread: 3: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas thread: 4: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 0
libertas enter: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas cmd: DNLD_CMD: command 0x0006, seq 26, size 63
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card(type 1, bytes 63)
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card(), ret 0
libertas leave: lbs_execute_next_command()
libertas thread: 1: currenttxskb (null), dnld_sent 2
libertas thread: sleeping, connect_status 0, psmode 0, psstate 0
libertas enter: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas leave: if_sdio_host_to_card_worker()
libertas enter: if_sdio_interrupt()
libertas sdio: interrupt: 0x3
libertas enter: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas leave: lbs_host_to_card_done()
libertas enter: if_sdio_card_to_host()
libertas sdio: packet of type 0 and size 173 bytes
libertas enter: if_sdio_handle_data()
libertas leave: if_sdio_handle_data(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_card_to_host(), ret 0
libertas leave: if_sdio_interrupt(), ret 0
libertas enter: lbs_set_encodeext()
libertas enter: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_get_association_request()
libertas leave: lbs_set_encodeext(), ret 0

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dan Williams" <dcbw at>
To: "Ivan Li" <lijinlei1 at>
Cc: "Alberto Panizzo" <maramaopercheseimorto at>; "Marek Vasut" <marek.vasut at>; <libertas-dev at>
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 11:21 PM
Subject: Re: Problem with Marvell SD8686 with Linux-2.6.29

> On Wed, 2010-10-20 at 20:54 +0800, Ivan Li wrote:
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Alberto Panizzo" <maramaopercheseimorto at>
>> To: "Ivan Li" <lijinlei1 at>
>> Cc: "Marek Vasut" <marek.vasut at>; <libertas-dev at>
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 1:47 AM
>> Subject: Re: Problem with Marvell SD8686 with Linux-2.6.29
>> > Hi Ivan,
>> > Please, do not top-post..
>> > 2010/10/12 Ivan Li <lijinlei1 at>:
>> >> Hi Alberto,
>> >>
>> >> Thanks for your reply.
>> >>
>> >> Interface: SDIO
>> >> FW: 9.70.15p0
>> >>
>> >> Below is the log when I insert the module:
>> >> root at onyx ~$ modprobe libertas_sdio
>> >> lib80211: common routines for IEEE802.11 drivers
>> >> libertas_sdio: Libertas SDIO driver
>> >> libertas_sdio: Copyright Pierre Ossman
>> >> libertas_sdio mmc1:0001:1: firmware: requesting sd8686_helper.bin
>> >> libertas_sdio mmc1:0001:1: firmware: requesting sd8686.bin
>> >> libertas: 00:27:13:e2:bd:30, fw 9.70.15p0, cap 0x00000303
>> >> libertas: PREP_CMD: command 0x00a3 failed: 2
>> >> libertas: PREP_CMD: command 0x00a3 failed: 2
>> >> libertas: eth0: Marvell WLAN 802.11 adapter
>> >>
>> > It seems that you are stucked with the Mesh initialization..
>> > Do you need this feature?
>> > While the advice is still upgrade the kernel, you can disable the mesh
>> > support in:
>> > -> Device Drivers
>> > -> Network device support (NETDEVICES)
>> >  -> Wireless LAN (WLAN)
>> >   -> Marvell 8xxx Libertas WLAN driver support (LIBERTAS)
>> >    -> LIBERTAS_MESH [=n]
>> Thanks for your reply.
>> I don't need Mesh feature, but for some reason I can't upgrade my kernel to 2.6.34 (Most of my driver will be re-written).
>> But I managed to upgrade to 2.6.32, but the problem is still there.
>> I am wondering if there is some defects(bugs) in my SDIO driver?
>> My problem is: I can use 'iwlist eth0 scan' to get AP list, but association failed. If SDIO issue then why just 'iwlist eth0 scan' can work?
> Can you turn on MMC debugging, and also modprobe libertas.ko with:
> debug=0x5043a7
> so we can get more info about what's going on in the driver?  I'd like
> to see why the driver thinks the original association command failed.
> Dan

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