Length of MAC, BBP and RF registers

Marcelo Tosatti marcelo at kvack.org
Wed Nov 15 20:28:52 EST 2006

Hi Ronak, Alan,

We're trying to get rid of the wlanconfig "tool" and its ioctl

A few commands (such as version and eeprom read) have been converted
to ethtool, while others can't (and thus must be converted to another
interface, debugfs being the best choice in my opinion).

I would like to put the mac, bbp and rf registers in files, so they can
easily be read/written to. But for that it would be necessary to know
the length of such registers.

Can you please make that information available? Its nowhere in the docs.

Another detail which I've asked in the past but got no reply is how to
know the length of the EEPROM. I've hardcoded it to 16k in the driver
by noticing it wraps at that length, but if it changes there will be


those commands are used in Marvell speck applicaion called wlanconfig.

	These commands are used to read the MAC, BBP and RF registers from the 
	card.  These commands take one parameter that specifies the offset 
	location that is to be read.  This parameter can be specified either in 
	decimal or in hexadecimal (by preceding the number with a "0x").
		wlanconfig ethX rdmac 0xa123
		wlanconfig ethX rdbbp 0x0123
		wlanconfig ethX rdrf 0x0123

	These commands are used to write the MAC, BBP and RF registers in the 
	card.  These commands take two parameters that specify the offset 
	location and the value that is to be written. This parameters can be 
	specified either in decimal or in hexadecimal (by preceding the number 
	with a "0x").
		wlanconfig ethX wrmac 0xa123 0xaa
		wlanconfig ethX wrbbp 0x0123 0xaa
		wlanconfig ethX wrrf 0x0123 0xaa

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