[LEDE-DEV] Update to util-linux 2.30.1 breaks x86_64 squashfs-combined

Felix Fietkau nbd at nbd.name
Fri Sep 29 03:20:08 PDT 2017

On 2017-09-11 02:33, Philip Prindeville wrote:
> Changing the subject from the previous thread as it turned out to not have to do with sysupgrade at all.
> What I can tell is this, having added some tracing to fstools.
> We get to the call to system() in rootdisk_volume_init():
> https://git.lede-project.org/?p=project/fstools.git;a=blob;f=libfstools/rootdisk.c;h=dd00c1b4e5b4aa9b748610fa3e93d301a67101a7;hb=HEAD#l269
> and it never seems to return.  The value of “str” is “mkfs.f2fs -q -l rootfs_data /dev/loop0”.
> What would cause this to hang rather than return an error?
I've used sysrq to trace this and found out that it's hanging in the
getrandom system call, which could be used through util-linux library
code. That also explains why the update broke it.

I will prepare a patch that forces util-linux to stick to /dev/urandom
instead - that should hopefully fix this for good.

- Felix

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