[LEDE-DEV] Questions about netifd, ip rules and VPN

mt mt at i3o.de
Fri Sep 15 08:31:07 PDT 2017


I'm trying to wrap my head around what is possible with only declarative 
settings in netifd / uci for VPN connections.

At the moment it looks like scripts in /etc/hotplug.d/iface are the only 
solution for my setup: A Freifunk VPN as a netifd proto i.e. wireguard):

- Use ip4table, ip6table in the vpn uci settings to set the default gw 
to a different routing table

- If wan is active start the vpn interface: Call ifup vpn in 
/etc/hotplug.d/iface/99-vpn.sh when wan is up, call ifdown vpn if wan is 

- Set/remove my manual ip rules for forwarding mesh / ap traffic to the 
vpn in /etc/hotplug.d/iface/99-vpn.sh

Is this a sane way to do this? I'd like to move as much setup as 
possible to uci/netifd

It's also possible to define ip rules in uci but these are independed of 
the interface state and always set on boot? It's not possible to set 
"dynamic" ip rules depending on the interface state?

Is fw3 able to set/remove rules depending on the interface state? But 
from my limited knowledge ip rules are faster than iptables fwmark?

Is this approach recommended or is there a better way(tm)?

thanks for any hints!


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