[LEDE-DEV] Starting logging earlier

Philip Prindeville philipp_subx at redfish-solutions.com
Mon Sep 11 12:33:00 PDT 2017

I was wondering why the loggers (except ubox) are all started as priority 20 (same as “network”):

$ grep START= package/system/ubox/files/log.init feeds/packages/net/ulogd/files/ulogd.init feeds/packages/net/rsyslog/files/rsyslog.init feeds/packages/admin/syslog-ng/files/syslog-ng.init 

seems to me that (a) there’s no dependency on the network service being up before the logger starts, since it uses an unbound socket anyway (and hence will do the right thing if more interfaces are added, deleted, or otherwise changed) and (b) it’s entirely possible that at some point we might want to add logging to earlier startup scripts or services, such as S19dhcpd (also started before the network comes up)…

I’ve played with starting syslog-ng at level 12 (same as box’s logger) and it had no obvious ill-effects.

Anyone see any reason to not proceed with changing it?



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