[LEDE-DEV] Lede/Openwrt documentation

Javier Domingo Cansino javierdo1 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 16 12:42:18 PST 2017

Before this thread falls into oblivion, I would like to ask the guys
on charge of the docs (I think I got the correct emails) for feedback.

The general impression from the list that I have is that there are a
lot of doubts on if such a hardcore change in documentation will work,
but the benefits seem to be understood and good.

What if we kept the ToH + project related webpages as wikis, and we
just moved the guides and howtos to Sphinx based docs? Is this an
alternative you would prefer?

I really just want to improve the docs, so I would appreciate feedback
to either discard this proposal entirely or improve it until it's




Below a summary of all the feedback:

* Alexander raised an idea about having docs and wiki together, I
don't see how we would separate that content, but I'm open to

* Sebastian raised his concerns about deterring casual contributions,
and I think after the text he agreed it's not as good, but is not that
bad neither

* Paul suggesting sticking to the wiki because it's easy to edit. If
possible I would like him to try the flow, as Sebastian did, to see
how more difficult he finds it.

* Alberto raised the concern on editing content by non-developers and
fixing links, however after Sebastian's tests I don't know his
opinion. Supposing of course that I create the appropriate tooling to
check doc correctness. He also suggested other GIT based wiki.

* Jow (for what I could understand) agreed in the idea of having more
control over the content, and that the lack of structure in Wikis make
difficult to find content.

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