[LEDE-DEV] Lede/Openwrt documentation

Javier Domingo Cansino javierdo1 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 10 16:40:28 PST 2017


I have continued working on the docs https://lede.rtfd.io. It now
contains a Proof of Concept, with the following features:

* Documentation can be exported in different formats, html (hosted in
https://lede.rtfd.io), single page html, pdf, ebook etc.
* Documentation has been edited in a single sorted flow, with
references between resources, making it easy to navigate, this works
in pdf, single html, etc, versions too
* It sets the base to have a complete documentation and avoid
duplicates, checking links (sphinx has a linkchecker), and references
within the document

Technical things that still need to be done before replacing the main
wiki with this:

* Port the rest of the content (only the quickstart guide has been
ported). This is a heavy task because of the structural difference
between a wiki and a book.
* Insert Table of Hardware with filter features etc.
* Create a guide on how to contribute to the book

As you can see, I didn't implement some those essential features
because first I would like to see:

* If you like what you see
* if you have any needs apart from what I did and stated is needed
* A decision to proceed with a roadmap and help if possible

I don't have clear what process needs to be followed for the
decision/roadmap, so I leave that up to you, and will reply with



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