[LEDE-DEV] Release 17.01.0 binary packages have changed and SDK inconsistency

Pau pau at dabax.net
Tue Mar 28 12:28:22 PDT 2017


I am using the SDK and IB from LEDE 17.01.0 release (mips_24kc). I've
been using it successfully the last days until now. I did not change
anything but I get the error:

* opkg_install_pkg: Package luci-lib-nixio sha256sum mismatch. Either
the opkg or the package index are corrupt. Try 'opkg update'.

Then I went to downloads.lede-project.org [1] and I see that there are
new compiled packages with date "Tue Mar 28 18:35:15 2017".
Luci-lib-nixio is one of them [2] (which now is published on the
repository with a new version).

In the other hand the feeds.conf.default file included in the release
SDK points to the specific commit
a100738163585ae1edc24d832ca9bef1f34beef0 from  Sat Jan 28 01:38:06 2017.
The SDK published then is not consistent with the current package binary

So my question here is: what's the point for publishing a Release if the
packages included are changing? Is this the expected behavior?




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