[LEDE-DEV] Invitation from German BSI regarding technical guideline for broadband router

Hauke Mehrtens hauke at hauke-m.de
Sun Jul 2 06:10:33 PDT 2017

Some days ago I received an invitation from the Bundesamt für Sicherheit
in der Informationstechnik (BSI) (English: Federal Office for
Information Security) to a kickoff meeting regarding the “Technische
Richtlinie Breitband-Router” (English: Technical guideline broadband
router) in Bonn, Germany on 13. July. They are probably talking about
something related to this document:

The invitation says that there was a previous discussion in the
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) triggered by a
security incident with broadband routers in Germany end of last year.

They want to create a technical guideline with minimal security
requirements for broadband routers and a certification program for this.

They got my name because I commented on this original guideline when
they published the first draft for the guideline mentioned above. There
I told them that I am working in the OpenWrt project and so on. They
also tested OpenWrt CC for compliance with this guideline, see
https://lists.infradead.org/pipermail/lede-dev/2017-April/006999.html .

I asked if remote participation is possible, but I haven’t received an
answer yet. The Invitation is in German so I assume the meeting will
also be in German.

It looks like I will not participate in this meeting, does someone from
the LEDE committers or OpenWrt core developers want to travel to Bonn
and participate?


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