[LEDE-DEV] telephony: adding telephony functionality

Giuseppe Lippolis giu.lippolis at gmail.com
Sat Feb 4 09:05:35 PST 2017

>Dear All,
>after some investigation on my DWR-512 board I discovered the hw
architecture of the telephone voice channel embedded in the router.
>The board embeds one 3g modem plugged on the mini pcie slot and one proslic
device (si3210 - subscriber line interface circuit).
>The hw architecture is shown below.
>        T                   V
>        |                   |
>      +-------+           +-------+
>IRQ   |       |  PCM bus  |       | events
>  +---|  si   |<=========>|   3g  |---------+
>  |   | 3210  |           | modem |         |
>  |   +-------+           +-------+         |
>  |     ^                     ^             |
>  |     |                     |             |
>  |     | spidev1.0           |             |
>  |     |                     | ttyUSB0/1   |
>  |   +-------+               |             |
>  |   |       |---------------+             |
>  +-->|  uP   |                             |
>gpio1 |       |<----------------------------+
>      +-------+     ttyUSB1

>My next plan is to develop a driver for the si3210 and then one userspace
daemon to enable the telephone voice (and sms) channel functions.

>Have someone some comments about this plan?

I found an interesting tentative to add a telephony class in linux, it was
the phonedev.c class by Alan Cox.
Nevertheless this piece of code has been removed since kernel 3.6
Make sense revert it back?


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