[LEDE-DEV] [PATCH 2/2] base-files: gpio switch: set output value with direction

Mathias Kresin dev at kresin.me
Wed Dec 27 03:00:21 PST 2017

Use the "low" and "high" values to configure the GPIO as an output with
that initial value. It ensures that the gpio doesn't have a unwanted value
during the time the direction is set to ouput and the actual value is

We don't need to take care of the GPIO polarity for now, since our
exported GPIOs are always active low.

Cc: Lars Kruse <lists at sumpfralle.de>
Signed-off-by: Mathias Kresin <dev at kresin.me>
 package/base-files/Makefile                     | 2 +-
 package/base-files/files/etc/init.d/gpio_switch | 5 ++---
 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/package/base-files/Makefile b/package/base-files/Makefile
index 728d787..d0c9d6b 100644
--- a/package/base-files/Makefile
+++ b/package/base-files/Makefile
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/version.mk
 include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/feeds.mk
diff --git a/package/base-files/files/etc/init.d/gpio_switch b/package/base-files/files/etc/init.d/gpio_switch
index 5a62be9..b67950a 100755
--- a/package/base-files/files/etc/init.d/gpio_switch
+++ b/package/base-files/files/etc/init.d/gpio_switch
@@ -22,10 +22,9 @@ load_gpio_switch()
 		echo "$gpio_pin" >/sys/class/gpio/export
 		# we need to wait a bit until the GPIO appears
 		[ -d "$gpio_path" ] || sleep 1
-		echo out >"$gpio_path/direction"
-	# write 0 or 1 to the "value" field
-	{ [ "$value" = "0" ] && echo "0" || echo "1"; } >"$gpio_path/value"
+	# set the pin to output with high or low pin value
+	{ [ "$value" = "0" ] && echo "high" || echo "low"; } >"$gpio_path/direction"

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