[LEDE-DEV] FCC killing open platforms and inovations [Was: Re: [PATCH] ar71xx: Add usable, inactive LEDs on OpenMesh devices]

David Lang david at lang.hm
Tue Nov 15 16:49:40 PST 2016

> Well, we are. We can't change the fact that the devices need to be locked to 
> be sold in the US. But if you google a little, you will find a lot of patches 
> for various Open Source projects signed by @open-mesh.com mail addresses 
> (LEDE, Linux, hostapd, etc) ... Feel free to compare that with other WiFi 
> vendors. I don't think we are doing that bad. :)

except that they don't need to be locked down to be sold in the US.

The FCC posted a proposed rule that would require such a lockdown, but then have 
repeatedly made public statements that they do not intend to prevent different 
firmware from being loaded on the devices and the proposed rule that would have 
required lockdowns have basically been stopped.

However, multiple vendors are imposing restriction and claiming that the FCC is 
requiring them, even after the FCC says that it's not.

David Lang

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