[LEDE-DEV] Please enable digest mode for lede-dev

Hannu Nyman hannu.nyman at iki.fi
Wed May 18 03:17:14 PDT 2016

Please allow users to select to receive lede-dev messages in digests.

The lede-dev mailing list is already rather high volume list and if the 
possible PR discussion messages from Github is also piped here, the amount of 
messages might be rather high.

Devs have disabled the "digest mode" in the mailing list's settings and thus 
users can't select to receive messagess in digest format. Please toggle the 
switch and allow users to receive messages in digest format if they so wish.

Ps. the disabled digest mode might be one reason why there is so much actual 
conversation. Each message arrives separately so it is easy to answer. So it 
might be best if the digest mode is allowed but the default is still 
individual messages.

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